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Forum Post: Occupy websites

Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 2, 2011, 7:32 p.m. EST by littlebilly (12)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Movement Collaboration Websites - Forums and other sites based on user-submitted content.

* <http://nycga.net/groups> - New York City General Assembly "Groups", an "official"* collaboration site run by the General Assembly (the group that holds physical meetings to make movement decisions). Has a structure similar to Google Groups.
* <http://occupywallst.org/forum> - The original Occupy Wall Street forum. A simple text-based forum with some dynamic features, currently under-staffed and chaotic.
* <http://occupyr.com> - Regular content along with a text-based ticker-type message board.
* <http://openassembly.org> - A site devoted to hammering out concrete proposals.
* <http://themultitude.org> - A graphical phpBB-based Occupy forum (the site you're at now).

Occupy Wikis

* <http://occupytogether.wikispot.org> - An "official"* Occupy "Field Manual" wiki from OccupyTogether. Lots of useful protest tips.
* <http://occupyresearch.wikispaces.com> - An Occupy wiki focused on statistical research.
* <http://occupywallstreet.wikia.com> - A general Occupy wiki
* <http://occupythiswiki.org> - Another general Occupy wiki
* <http://wiki.occupyeverywhere.org> - Yet another general Occupy wiki

Other Occupy-Related Websites

* <http://livestream.com/occupywallstnyc> - LiveStream video from the ground at Occupy Wall Street
* <http://occupystream.com> - A database of Occupy LiveStreams
* <http://nycga.net> - New York City General Assembly "official"* website
* <http://adbusters.org/campaigns/occupywallstreet> - The original AdBusters campaign site that sparked the movement.
* <http://occupytogether.org> - The global version of Occupy Wall Street.
* <http://facebook.com/OccupyWallSt> - Facebook page for Occupy Wall Street
* <http://twitter.com/OccupyWallSt> - Twitter feed for Occupy Wall Street
* <http://occupytheboardroom.org> - Allows people to send messages to prominent bankers, along with tips on... err... messing with them.
* <http://teaoccupyunited.com> - An attempt to unite the Occupy movement with the Tea Party movement.
* <http://wiki.occupysf.org/index.php/Global_Sites> - A listing of more Occupy websites

*"Official" appears in quotes because the nature of the movement is that it is leaderless by design; Therefore no site can actually be said to be technically official. Those that appear described as such above are products of, or are directly endorsed by, the organizers who manage the main pool of funds for the movement and organize the General Assembly events. Local Occupation Websites

* San Diego, CA, US: <http://occupysandiego.org/>
* Oakland, CA, US: <http://occupyoakland.org/>
* Atlanta, GA, US: <http://occupyatlanta.org/>
* Indianapolis, IN, US: <http://chat.indymedia.org/channels.php>
* Boston, MA, US: <http://occupyboston.org/>
* Raleigh, NC, US: <http://occupyraleigh.org/>
* Philadelphia, PA, US: <http://phillyoccupation.org>
* Houston, TX, US: <http://occupyhouston.org>
* Minnesota, US: <http://occupymn.org/>
* New Hampshire, US: <http://occupynh.org/>
* Texas, US: <http://revolutiontexas.com/>
* Calgary, Canada: <http://occupycalgary.ca/>
* Edmonton, Canada: <http://occupyedmonton.org/>
* Toronto, Canada: <http://occupyto.org/>
* Vancouver, Canada: <http://occupyvancouver.com/>
* Glasgow, UK: <http://occupyglasgow.org/>
* London, UK: <http://occupylsx.org/>
* Amsterdam: <http://occupyamsterdam.nl/>
* Germany: <http://occupydeutschland.de/>
* Switzerland: <http://israelmedia.ch.vu/>

training web page http://tinyurl.com/7rvpv43



Read the Rules
[-] 1 points by ithink (761) from York, PA 13 years ago

Occupy Harrisburg http://occupyharrisburg.org/

[-] 1 points by ithink (761) from York, PA 13 years ago

nice, thanks