Forum Post: Occupy Wall Streets Number One Goal: For Something to Change.
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 19, 2011, 7:02 a.m. EST by palaka
from Naalehu, HI
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Much of the critique and criticism of this movement has been along the lines of “they have no goals or demands”. This is contrary to the reality. This movement has a very strong goal, one that is not spoken of as a goal but a goal none the less. If change were to happen OWS would break up an all would be able to get back to life. If just one thing would happen that would effect a change in the inequality that has blossomed on the backs of the majority. Have we seen this change yet? No. Will we see this? Hopefully sometime soon.
What one has to understand when looking at this movement, everyone has agreed to disagree. That is great, its not about laying out the exact congressional bill that will fix the issues but setting the policy that has to be met or what one might call the ends. Do we have to say what all those ends are? I hope not or we got some ether awfully blind people or they just don't care. The litany of issues just would go on forever. The reality is that if even some of those issues start getting dealt with would make the necessity of this movement vanish.
Getting people to hear the message is half the battle, OWS is not there yet. The other half of the battle is getting people to act on it. Ether by congressional change and an end to the partisan battles that have plagued congress for the past 4 years. A finical change that stops gouging everyone with exorbitant interest rates that are ridiculous that line big investment pockets. An insurance change where insurance actually works out better then just putting that money in the bank with a bunch of your friend for the rest of your life(I don't want to hear the whole “increase in heath care cost” which has become a fancy way of saying “line CEO and underwriter pockets”. Corporate change where the budget cuts come from the top not the bottom. To many people can do something to change the future but its not in there best interest or is it.
Import rules that require more balanced trade values. We should not be able to buy things for 25% of what we can make it, there is no reason for sweat shops. I know we want cheep, but there is a point where its your fault for selling it to me at that price.
If congress fails to act and the public hears and acts, we will see it in the polls. So is this misplaced? Shouldn't it be Occupy Capital Hill, No. Because, anyone one these groups can hear and do something that would change the issues that exists in the US. If things don't change I hate to give a prophetic message off doom, ultimately “Corporate America” wont have anyone to buy what you have to offer o “Corporate America”. Unless change happens, the cycle will continue until the end...
What we have to realize is that people are fed up with the status quo. Something has to be done, anything, we can't go on with the elephant in the living room and throwing the sheet over it like its not there. I don't have to agree with everything each congressman says or does. However, Doing nothing is worse then trying. You win no awards in congress with filibustering everything that comes across your desk. If each congressman wants to keep there office I hope they go with the what the people really need and not what is in the favor of the powerful minority. Here now the “American People have Spoken”.
It is not the point for Occupy Wall Street to make demands. It is not the point for Occupy Wall Street to have “the solution”. If Occupy Wall Street has "the solution" that is being ask of it, it will never be met anyways... Which Occupy Wall Steer has one already, now if people will do something, just something...
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