Forum Post: Occupy Wall Street's Anti-Greed Campaign Will Fail
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 17, 2011, 6:39 a.m. EST by darrenlobo
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There are a number of interesting things that the OWS crowd advocate, but being anti-greed will fail and may actually undermine the movement in the long run.
To achieve healthy capitalism and to protect the people from corporate abuses and corruption a new universal system of labeling of all products and services must be designed and implemented globally. The ingredients of each product or service are composed from not only the physical components but more importantly from the processes involved in the final output.
All corporations and businesses in general must be held accountable and be observed by consumers, employees, the community, and the state departments. For this purpose a tagging system shall be put in place to measure and publicize on any product and any service on the performance of the production business for the total and each of at least the following issues: Executive pay Excessive advertisement Unfair advertisement Labor welfare Unions’ participation Capital distribution Political leverage Environmental responsibility Social contributions Fair play Equal opportunities Financial transparency
You miss the essential point that the 1% will always control the govt. Your one world govt that would be needed to implement this global policing would be as corrupt & oppressive as any national govt.
First point, that is why free citizens are protesting; and this will change sooner or later by the people. Elected governments and officials are increasingly under pressures or otherwise they loose.
Second point, only local and national civil societies and competing businesses will challenge the coalition between corporations and corrupt governments; no one needs or will benefit from one world govt.