Forum Post: Occupy Wall Street, We are with you!!
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 11, 2011, 6:15 a.m. EST by OccupyCouchDotBlogspotDotCom
from Seattle, WA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
We sit in solidarity and we're not getting up until corruption COMES TO AN END!
Another pathetic person without a life. Try getting off your ass and actually do something.
By "do something", do you mean lounge around a public park, or make something of your life? I am unclear.
It is certainly not a surprise that you are 'unclear'....that is most likely your usual life path....
Is it too expected of a snarky response to say that "It is certainly not a surprise that you avoided answering the question." ?
thoreau42 is one of them. Scammer. Pants incrusted with semen. Learned to turn the pages of a magazine with one hand.
Yeah, people get mad when I point out their own hypocrisy. I wonder why?
Can we not do better with our sentence structure? 'Yeah'. Through that out. It is a salutation and not required in a forum. Next: 'people get mad'. Does people refer to me or should it not be, 'some people'. Also, like the phase 'become angry' better than 'get mad'. The word 'mad' has multiple possible uses.
I think that is a soft point yet, moving on... I do not have a problem until you get to 'their own hypocrisy'. Is 'own' really needed?
Sorry to be picky but if you are going to bust my chops than perhaps please try to do better.
The signal that you've proven your point, but the other person is so stupid or stubborn (or both) to continue in a rational manner is when they start namecalling or nitpicking spelling and grammar.
Just messing with you. You started it anyhow. Why the 42? Are trying to beautiful like me?
PayPal and Google have been informed. Next stop...
How about a subpoena? If you cannot read it the court will appoint someone to read it to you.
lets not give the media and republicans a right to label us as having no message
Oh and the Federal statue: The crime of wire fraud is codified at 18 U.S.C. § 1343
Did I get you up off your sofa?
You're telling me that allowing people to donate toward the cause of ending corruption in Big Family by a continued couch occupation is fraud? It's exactly what it sounds like. Maybe you don't understand the definition of fraud?
Yes, maybe I don't the definition of fraud. Maybe you will not have any weed in your shitbox apartment when the police come over.
To whom the donation you are collecting on your site go? Fraud is a felony. Corps get away with it. What are your chances?
The donations go to those of us occupying the couch in the Occupy Couch movement to end corruption in Big Family. It's pretty straightforward.
...and it somewhat funny. However, why are you using this website to promote your scam? That is fraud. You are going to get busted and you will go to jail. In jail you will have to make your bowel movements in the middle of a crowded room. No comfy couch.
Although I have to admire your ability to treat people inhumanely. Seems right in line with cops arresting peaceful protestors around the country.
Are you unable to tell that it's a joke? Or you don't bother even having a discussion with somebody before you get all batshit on them? Or did you? Did I miss the friendly conversation or did you flip out? Just having a bad day or are you an asshole all the time?
everyone has a huge penis on the internet.
pretty much, that is, regarding batshit and asshole. Thanks for the nice compliment of my weanie.
Yeah I get the joke - ass. Thing is. the dorks you are defending have a PayPal donation button on their site. It is represented as part of the movement and they are trying to get money from OWS supporters. If it was just a lampoon, which it isn't, then ha ha. Nope, it is some low life potheads trying to scam money. If you don't see that, send them some money.
They're not part of the 99%?
You're talking about the movement with no definitive goal, right? Wait, which one? The one on the couch or the one in the public parks? It'll be interesting to see which movement makes the most progress.
Next time you complain about all the dipshits in the world, imagine all the people who have the same complaint, and think of you when they do. You'll have no right to complain, though, as you're unable to act any better. You've really impressed me with your ability to complain about people acting poorly while acting poorly yourself.
too fuckin funny
push congress to end bush tax cuts , rebuild America bridges and roads , invest in middle class not banking class thats the occupy wall street message
Let's do it together!
im all in check out my post end bush tax cuts , rebuild America bridges and roads , invest in middle class not banking class thats the occupy wall street message