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Forum Post: Occupy Wall Street Veteran Scott Olsen A Disgraced Marine

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 14, 2011, 7:24 a.m. EST by Capitalist111 (59)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Scott Olsen, you know the Marine who got beaned in the noggin, turns out Scott Olsen is a disgraced Marine, forced out of the Marine Corp under less than honorable conditions (Administrative Discharge) plus this Marine started a website called "I hate the Marine Corp" so much for Always Faithful (Semper Fidelis)

No true Marine Veteran would ever think of starting a website called "I hate the Marine Corp" for this disgraced Marine once a Marine always a Marine does not apply

Olsen served two tours in Iraq, working as a technician and earning a handful of service medals.

Friends say he soured on military life after leaving the service and started a now-defunct website called "I hate the Marine Corps" which served as a forum for disgruntled servicemen.

Olsen received an "administrative discharge" from the service in late 2009, his uncle George Nygaard has said, though the precise reasons for it have not been confirmed.

Such a discharge can result from any number of behavioral or disciplinary issues.



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[-] 1 points by JerzyIroc (1) 13 years ago

WRONG. That site was NOT his! Stop spreading lies!!!

Come on people, a simple WHOIS search shows that the registrant is:

Registrant: Scott Olsen 16524 Hwy 67 Milan, Illinois 61264 United States

Registered through: GoDaddy.com, Inc. ( [link to www.godaddy.com)] Domain Name: IHATETHEMARINECORPS.COM Created on: 28-Jan-09 Expires on: 28-Jan-12 Last Updated on: 29-Jan-11

Administrative Contact: Olsen, Scott scott@ihatethemarinecorps.com 16524 Hwy 67 Milan, Illinois 61264 United States +1.9492015284 Fax --

Technical Contact: Olsen, Scott scott@ihatethemarinecorps.com 16524 Hwy 67 Milan, Illinois 61264 United States +1.9492015284 Fax --

Domain servers in listed order: NS1.ONETWORKING.NET NS2.ONETWORKING.NET

Facts to consider:

The Scott Olsen from Oakland was discharged from the Corps in 2010.

The person who owns this domain bought it in January of 2009.

The Scott Olsen who was injured at Occupy Oakland address is listed as Daly City, CA (just south of SF).

The Scott Olsen who owns the domain's address is listed as Milan, IL (Quad City Area).

Do not bare false witness people.

[-] 1 points by Capitalist111 (59) 13 years ago

Well now even more info is coming out, this disgraced Marine was also doing Cocaine.

[-] 1 points by MeMyselfandI (85) 13 years ago

Not surprised. He is after all the hero of the OWS movement. Just another druggie loser.

[-] 1 points by goingdown (9) 13 years ago

He was also injured by items thrown by other "non violent" ows supporters NOT the police as the OWS propaganda goons want you to believe.

[-] 1 points by thebeastchasingitstail (1912) 13 years ago

Get lost, you bitter fool