Forum Post: Occupy Wall Street & Tea Party Allaince... ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!!!!
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 22, 2011, 9:44 p.m. EST by RIGHTNOW
from Carlstadt, NJ
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The primary founders of the Tea Party are the billionaire Koch brothers. Enough said!
Did someone dobt this link? here's a story, one of many.
well, I never heard of the Koch Bro.s until the WI school funding thing and I worked on the Tea Party movement from the start... that 'founder rumor' is a myth. But, from my view, the Marxist rhetoric and other socialist rhetoric historically has only lead to mass killing, oppression, really sucky summer camps and other not so nice things. Your movement is trying to bring that here... the Tea Party is anti-socialist. Enough said indeed...
If I may, Let me restate that post: The primary bank rollers of the tea party are the billionaire Koch brothers! Enough said!
TP probably just looking to rent some brain cells!
Wrong, they are the right wing GOP scum that took over the movement by buying their way in. The Tea Party screwed up when they took that blood money. And there are many original Tea Partiers who hate the GOp and the Koch brothers.
As long as they vote against anybody that refuses to promise to raise taxes, guess they're welcome enough.