Forum Post: Occupy Wall Street: Strike The Root! Video Contest
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 6, 2011, 2:13 p.m. EST by darrenlobo
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Occupy Wall Street: Strike The Root! aims to speak to these people. They are already disillusioned with the Statist Quo. They know things are messed-up. But many (- not all!) focus their attention on berating corporations and banks. Do people operating corporations and banks do fucked up shit? Yes. But that’s only due to the existence of the great fiction of the State. It’s just classic rent-seeking.
Can YOU make a video that communicates the ideas of complete liberty to those at the Occupy Wall Street protests? Do it!
If you’re following the Occupy Wall Street developments you understand the protest and its potential. You know that almost without exception those on the ground are driven by noble intentions, to live in a freer, more prosperous world. Through video, communicate to them how that is best achieved.