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Forum Post: "Occupy Wall Street: Populist Financiers Supporting Protesters Is Part of the Problem, Not the Solution"

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 18, 2011, 1:16 p.m. EST by lurch194 (75) from Guatemala City, Guatemala
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

by Finian Cunningham Global Research, October 17, 2011


"The Occupy Wall Street movement sweeping across the US faces a tricky dilemma, the outcome of which will determine its historic impact. Up to now, part of the movement’s strength derives from its diffuse, eclectic spread of voices. That enigma makes it hard to define and confront from the authorities’ point of view. However, sooner or later the campaign will have to set out its own agenda by defining demands and aims. Otherwise, it runs the risk of running out of the admirable popular momentum that it has thus far generated; also, such a vacuum allows others who do not share the ultimate concerns of the grassroots to define the direction of the movement – a direction that most likely will lead to a safe, blind alley – again from the authorities’ point of view. Confronting this dilemma inevitably requires political organization, which will require hardnosed choices about which allies and interests are to be aligned."



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[-] 1 points by Sliepnir2006 (10) from Newcastle Upon Tyne, England 13 years ago

Each movement has to confront its own beliefs at some point in time, remember though that you are also a global movement and that in itself poses other difficulties, It maybe better to define yourself as none political with no affiliation to any political party.

In that way you could really counter the lobbies of the big conglomerates and make changes by being not political but politically active.

That could make a huge difference to world politics. I don't necessarily think a political identity is a good thing, democracy today actually needs the opposite something which everyone feels part of and something which for once could change lives for the better, unlike recent Governments.

Needs throwing about though this, must admit.