Forum Post: Occupy Wall Street? or Occupy Government? what are you fighting for?
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 21, 2011, 10:43 p.m. EST by commonsense6676
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Occupy Wall Street, is all about getting rid of corruption in America, but they fail to see that the corruption that be is from the Government. Yes wall street is corrupt but that is the price for having capitalism which allows them the right of selling a product for the price that others are willing to pay. However many companies are going under because they can no longer pay the high taxes from our governments, EPA, OSHA, etc..., not the companies selling them product. shouldn't we holding the Government and these government organization responsible for taxing and fining every extra dollar these companies have? I know the hardest strain on my last three bosses was taxes and regulations. Corruption starts at the top.
Please no anarchy crap. the government is there for organization, but not taking over. if there is no government there is absolute chaos like uncivilized countries.
How can you tell the difference between wall street and government when there's a revolving door of Goldman execs working in the Whitehouse for decades now.
You have to run to the street corner and read the sign. It will say either 'Wall Street' or 'Pennsylvania Avenue'. Oh and the celebrities. They buzz around the White House like flies in a dumpster.
Not to mention the many Kstreet, corporate foundation and think tank links.
Don't forget the marketing/PR links as well.
Oh what a tangled web has been wrought by the de-regulators.
And that first attempt for a movement of the "people" the tea party ---how fast did corporate America glom on to that anger to try to make it as profitable as possible for themselves.
In an eye blink.
Now the taxed enough already crowd, is raising taxes on the people that can least afford it.
And the spiral continues, it's downward trend.
Members of Congress are the addicts and Wall Street is the dealer.
occupy BOTH
And we can throw both Congress and these Hedge Fund Managers in prison right now
Arrest Them Now! Hedge-Fund Titans Caught Insider Trading, Got Political Tips from Congress
No, It Is NOT “Legal” For Congress To Insider-Trade — The SEC Should Launch Investigation Immediately
Bankers control the government remember the Federal Reserve Bank is not government run it is privately owned. Two family names you stick into your head Rothchilds and Rockefellers. These two families started and control the monetary system around the world. The have trillions of dollars as their own capital they profit from the banking system and with some of the money they could stop famine, starvation, and relieve the poor class. Government officials are just their puppets to enforce tax laws on all of us People!
The government is there is serve capital. Period. Corruption IS the system . Just as it's always been. There is a myth that this is something new. It's not.
Wall Street and Government are two branches of the same entity. Occupy both.
Rebuttal to OP:
1.) OWS needs no platforms because it IS the platform. Like GNU, or Creative Commons, etc. Asking "what are you fighting for" is like asking a convention of Linux users "what are your goals". The answer is that each one is seeking their own goals through a common means that they all share.
2.) How many companies are profiting from the collapse of smaller, more agile firms due to burgeoning legislating?
3.) Government is not antagonistic to Capital. Why this is the prevailing belief is beyond me.
"When governments fear the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny."
You should go ahead and start the Occupygovernment movement.
Get some folks together and occupy somewhere in DC.
In the mean time?
Congress makes the rules. Bottom line.. Wall street wouldnt be able to function as they are without the laws and entitlelments set in place by congress. If you think the greed on Wall Street is due to bankers making thier own laws you are clueless. Follow the money.. right to DC.
It's not quite that simple; it's true that Wall Street wouldn't have been able to create the subprime bubble in the manner that it did if the government had done what it needed to do (regulation of derivatives, regulation of subprime loans, refusing to repeal Glass-Steagall, and so on). Wall Street got away with what it did because large chunks of the government were either directly or indirectly on their payroll and thus were in no position to call them to account.
It seems like the problem that people have with regulatory agencies is that they're deliberately kept toothless by a symbiotic relationship with the very industries that they belong staying on top of. I agree with you; that's a serious problem. However, the solution to that is to sever the relationship, not to destroy the regulatory agencies. Slap cooldown periods on people attempting to use the revolving door; if you want to go from the board of Exxon Mobil to the EPA that's fine by me, but expect to be out of work for two decades while you sit on the sidelines as required by law. Same if you want to go the other way.
At the same time, start actively recruiting environmental science/ecology and chemical engineering students to the EPA, nuclear engineering students to the IAEA, etc, medical and Pharm. D. students to the FDA, etc. so that Uncle Sam has a source of talent and knowledge independent of the private sector. There are already ROTC scholarships and financial assistance from places like NASA-JPL (they pay your tuition and you agree to work for them for a certain number of years); similar programs for students in fields relevant to regulatory agencies is a great way to get and hold new talent.
ARod, I agree fully on all your points. You seem to be very much on the ball and bright. I have seen your threads and understand you are an MIT student. They are lucky to have you.
I guess what I am finding somewhat disturbing is all the yelling and screaming and stomping of feet on these threads. And the finger pointing at anyone who does not agree. Everyone has a wish list of what needs to be done, yet Im not hearing anything concrete.
I think there are probably some very bright, intelligent and realistic young talent out there that needs to be groomed to get into the places where any change can occur. And I do believe that Congress is the place to do it. Id like to see some new blood get elected that can bring about some fresh new ideas, as well as bring some cohesiveness to this movement. Overtaking the gov't, overtaking the bull on Wall St and cutting its balls off , like I have heard on the livestream chats really isn't going over well with the majority of the population. And the majority of the so called 99% is truly what OWS needs to stand behind them, not walking away shrugging like so many are.
"It seems like the problem that people have with regulatory agencies is that they're deliberately kept toothless"
Occupy the SEC! Congress is Illegally Insider Trading, but SEC Is too Busy Cracking Down on Kettle Chips