Forum Post: Occupy Wall Street Needs to Occupy Congress, AG offices
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 17, 2011, 1:31 a.m. EST by sickmint79
from Grayslake, IL
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
good ritholtz post with goals -
Someone on these posts has a brilliant idea that the placards the protesters are carrying should be calling out the names of the criminals on Wall St. That will scare them! And in addition, I suggest a bit of flair to go along with those names would enhance the idea!
A criminal is someone who breaks the law. Like OWS protesters. Someone whose company failed is not a criminal unless they broke the law. Someone who has not broken laws, whose company turns multi-billion dollar profits, is NOT a criminal.
Oh, but there are many sitting in their corporate coves covering up their crimes by keeping those very same people in their positions (and we know who they are); you may even know some, you may even be one. It's just a matter of time before they will be exposed for their dirty deeds! Just you wait, my pretty!
Do you represent the people running this forum or OWS? Can you tell me whether or not this forum, the people running this forum or you have direct ties to the NYCGA; the same NYCGA referred to in the link above?
and really i couldn't stand being there with that whole human mic thing. seems like talking about stuff would take forever. i also don't believe ideas are equal nor that direct democracy is a good thing outside of maybe some simple decisions.
i'm just a lower case l libertarian dude. ritholtz is in my daily blog reads.