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Forum Post: Occupy Wall Street needs a Plan!! :)

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 7, 2011, 1:10 a.m. EST by jsporsche (6) from Cheadle, England
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Hi All!!!

I'm writing from the UK and would like to share a couple of thoughts...

I'm thoroughly disillusioned with the political and financial state of the world. We live in a supposed 'democracy' that is both ineffective and false. The global economy as is stands does not and cannot work. So... What's next? Anarchy?

In my opinion, a major problem that protesters face is that the working man/woman with a family is not about to stop going to work and risk being unable to put food on the table so they can Occupy Wall Street with a banner! It just isn't gonna happen!! Sadly, the protests are destined to fail..

But, what if there was a way to voice his/her opinion without risking everything?

Don't get me wrong, I believe in saying there's a problem if there is, but you also need to offer simple and practical solutions. So.... Why don't you (we!) use our existing political systems to start the Revolution?

What if when you went to vote there was an option that said "NONE OF THE ABOVE"?

We as a people, need to voice our disapproval and discontent in a way that doesn't resort to violence or anarchy. We need to calmly and peacefully say "STOP - NO MORE".

Yes, this idea is pretty much identical to that in the film 'Brewsters Millions' but given that it's the financial super-powers that have caused most of the problems in the world - this has a nice sense of irony! Don't you think? ;)



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[-] 1 points by Hagidi (5) 13 years ago

This might solve the resaults of the economic crices.

Get insprired...


[-] 1 points by averagejoe123 (10) 13 years ago

I wrote this in another forum so I decided to make my own, I jsut copied and pasted.

People know that corporations have done many corrupt and disgusting things but they only exist because of the government. If this were a true free market there would be no monopolies, monopolies only exist because of the state, because the state is the one with the guns and therefore can enforce things. Many protesters attack corporations but corporations are only a symptom, an effect of a bigger, more powerful problem, the state. Attacking corporations is like attacking the head of a Hydra, a new one will just grow in its place. In order to take down this beast we need to attack it at its core, which is the state. I stumbled upon a really good video that addresses these protests. please do share it and remember asking the government for more regulations and power is music to their ears. I will try to post this in other forums but I can't do it alone, and btw this isn't my video I just found it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NTx6t3FUSkM&feature=share

[-] 1 points by LoremIpsum (31) 13 years ago

The nice thing about democracy is that you can change it if you don't like it - here and in the UK.

The problem with protesting is that, while they can be effective expressions and important gatherings, they circumvent the systems already in place - voter initiatives, community organizations, and the all-powerful ballot. I think the time spent protesting could be better utilized putting together committees and supporting volunteers.

The none of the above option isn't a bad idea.