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Forum Post: Occupy Wall Street Movement - Some possible solutions

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 16, 2011, 1:12 p.m. EST by ollie (0)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

LET’S MAKE THINGS HAPPEN OURSELVES Make our own American products. Okay so here we are at the bottom or semi middle so let’s stop wasting time and energy and get busy. We start small and build from here. Let’s get together and make blankets, t-shirts, cookies, cakes, knit hats, scarfs, socks, simple clothing, start quilting bees, get those sewing machines out, teach our daughters/sons also, like old school days, etc… build small structures for storage at first for small construction projects, etc… don’t wait for them to give us things, jobs, handouts, begging them anymore, MAKE IT HAPPEN OURSELVES. Refuse to stop buying clothing made outside of America from Walmart, kmart, etc… ONLY BUY AMERICAN – make our products and sell to each other. Make bumper stickers, decals, buttons, that say MAKE/BUY American. These items we can sell also to each other and others hopefully as well. Build on other things we can do. Start small, Landscaping, build a clientele, sweep stoops, shine shoes, (this is realism folks), etc. think of other things we can do and Support each others endeavors. Corporations will not have any customers left to buy their products and exploit us in the USA or either those they exploit in third world country sweatshops. This is all about the CHOICES we made (or some of us) and the Consequences of them. STUDENT LOANS - We had kids and knew what type of world this is. We sent them to college knowing there are no guarantees in life, nobody promised them a job and even if they had always have a back up plan you cannot always believe people you know. We knew about student loans and signed for them. Our kids could have gone to technical schools or community colleges or gotten a job first, ,whatever- - just more bad choices. I also have experienced student loan debt. NOW - BANKS – we put our money in them – we could have taken it out at any time and still can. We could have kept it elsewhere if necessary, bury it, hide it, whatever… Don’t like their fees, policies, treatment, take your money out – they will listen then. STOCKMARKET – it was risky when we invested, we lost. Now we pay consequences I lost money as well but it was my choice to invest and I could have sold at any point. You have to educate yourself before you try these endeavors and watch others handling your finances closely. I wish I had. I wanted to stay in and ride it up and things were good then. I simply did not get out in time so I made some poor financial investment choices and when it dropped I lost my money. Time to move on. I knew the risks. I can’t lie, I am also a sour poor loser in that regard too. POLITICS – let’s pick a candidate among us, start another third party and let’s get him/her into the political race now. Call this party, OWS party, POW party (people occupy wall Street), whatever name we choose. These choices we can vote on among ourselves. We elect him into power and TAKE THE POWER BACK the right way, the correct way, the lawful way, the smart way. TAKE CONTROL BACK FROM “THEM” the way they took it from us. USE THE SYSTEM do not try and destroy it – a lot of undereducated people who truly do not understand long term consequences may be hurt and their children and future forever. Let’s do it right. (If only I were educated enough, I might try to run but – no – we need true intelligent representation) The timing is perfect. THE MOVEMENT – Let’s stop chaotic, disconnected ramblings, which are unfruitful. Let’s begin to plan – wintertime is coming. Some people are already facing police brutality and the beginning of criminal records. Stop this before someone really gets hurt or someone gets stupid and does something violent. Then the movement will be labeled something entirely different. They won’t mind taking one for the team though due to their loyalty and indignation but they will still be hurt and unemployable. Have you heard of U.S. Martial law? I lived through it twice, you don’t want that. Get educated on this. This article will educate you on truly what your rights are/are not as a citizen of the USA. See http://sidlinger.tripod.com/ml.html Most of all remember we are One God under all – if My people who are called by My name would humble themselves and pray and call My name and seek My face then will I hear from Heaven and heal their land. You can’t lose when God is on your side. Let’s keep making new solutions, add to them every day. Guys/girls, China – those guys – the big panda sits quietly, salivates and licks his chops. If none of this applies to you, please disregard. -- BLUEPILL that choked on red pill OF THE 99%



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[-] 1 points by whathappenedtoamerica (2) from Wallingford Center, CT 13 years ago

ollie, not hating, but please divide your wall of text up into paragraphs next time. I see you're passionate, but I'm having a hard time reading this.

[-] 1 points by Michael1433 (1) 13 years ago

This is actually how that scripture goes: 2 Chronicles 7:14 New King James Version (NKJV) 14) if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land. (p.s.) - - let me know when the class action suit against the corporations begins.

[-] 1 points by Trilaksana (27) 13 years ago

This is not a religious issue. Religion need not be discussed.

[-] 1 points by kazoo55 (195) from Rijs, FR 13 years ago

I'm sorry, we're not allowed to vote here, your proposal is lined up for oblivion just like all the other proposals, where is wailing, and gnashing of teeth.