Forum Post: Occupy Wall Street isn't about saving our money, its about saving America.
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 1, 2011, 8:36 p.m. EST by TheANGRYBlogger
from Elkton, MD
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
As you all know, America is falling apart. Economic trouble, moral decline, drugs, and terrorism are threatening to tear the country apart from the inside. Today, the politicians in Washington say they are fighting to fix these problems, but none of them are dealing with the fundamental concerns. In order to deal with these pressing issues, the underlying problems must be addressed. The absence of easily available education, the unfair distribution of wealth between the upper and lower classes, and the lack of political rights for the individual; these are the underlying issues.
First of all, education has got to be more accessible. Right now, hundreds of thousands of Americans are weighed down-burdened- by debt incurred just by trying to get an education. Depending on the college and the length of study, this debt can take up to 15 years to pay off! The government should pay for college education; even such a simple solution would allow the entire economy to be revitalized, more opportunity for social mobility, and a more prosperous middle class! We must, as a country, look at college education as a resource that must be given as a basic right to every citizen.
The largest problem with America’s economy is the uneven, and quite frankly undemocratic, distribution of money. The extreme wealth gap between the top one percent of all Americans and the other ninety-nine percent is astounding; in fact, the top one percent of America’s citizens own forty-two percent of America’s capital! This is the largest disparity of money between the upper and the middle class since the founding of this country. When one small group of people owns so much of a nation’s money, there can be no fair and democratic representation for the individual. Their voice is silenced. As a nation, we must spread our wealth and resources evenly. We must impose higher taxes on people with more money, and lower the taxes on people oppressed by poverty.
But by far the single most important problem with America today is the total lack of solid political representation. The voice of the individual is gone from our government. If every person could vote directly, on any issue that they chose to, then the hold of the rich on the government would dissolve. Instead of just the politicians voting, everybody should have a say. We must face this critical dilemma. When we tackle this, then the people can deal with the other issues, without representatives.
This current form of government cannot fix these problems. We must have a real democracy- a direct democracy, without representatives. Direct democracy would have failed when America was founded, but now we have the technology for it to succeed. The invention of the internet gave us as a nation the ability to link every single person together instantaneously. This construct will take the place of both the judicial and the legislative branches of the government and will allow every person a place in both. The executive branch will still exist, but the President will be voted in by a purely popular vote. These changes must be made in order for our government to survive.
Don’t be discouraged at the onset by such drastic reform measures. To succeed, Americans must rise up and take control of our careening country. Without free education, the even spread of wealth, and fair political opportunity, America will be torn apart. The issue is not with the people of America, it is with the government. Occupy Wall Street isn’t about saving our money; it’s about saving our country.
The problem is that there is still a viable middleclass spectrum that have not felt what many are complaining about with our system. Our leaders knows this and are trying to not tip the scale much further so these middleclass populations don't start to experience what many on this forum have experienced with the system.
The leaders will fail, in my opinion, if this movement is not successful in reaching those middleclass populations before they begin to experience the same problems that many of us are, it will be too late for the masses to do anything about it. This is my biggest fear and it should be yours too.
The leaders have already failed! All they want to do is to satisfy their own greed. If, at this point, the leaders tried to reach out to the middle class, it would be the picture of hypocrisy.
But those people still hold the beliefs of the past and refuse to see their leaders in this present day light of coruption.
No, this here is a republic. Majority rule leads to tyranny.
But if the majority is the middle class, then the wealth will be spread more evenly between the rich and the poor. Because the middle class is making the decisions, the state of our country will be more favorable to people in the middle class.
No, we cannot have tyranny of the majority. It is a republic.
The representatives in Washington are what got us into this mess. What do you suggest we do?
Not direct democracy. Let's not go destroying the Constitution.
But the Constitution itself is flawed. It was designed for a bygone age.
If we went back to a strict interpretation of the Constitution it would solve 90% of our problems. I would not want to tern the present crop of global elitists loose on creating a new one. Talk about tyranny.
It is a living document. People don't change, technology changes.
I don't think we should trash the Constitution. We just need to make Amendments regarding the government, taxes, equality issues, and political representation.
There is a process for this. Yeah?
All happening in a republic.
that wall is a tyranny . . . .
It's definitely painful.
right up there with listening to Dick Cheney lie . . .
Yeah, that kind makes my brain suicidal.