Forum Post: Occupy Wall Street Is A Truly Great Moment in Human History
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 5, 2011, 12:18 p.m. EST by Swann1719
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continues on my blog. . .
It was all I could do to not make an announcement about Occupy Wall Street after the performance of Desh at Sadlers Wells. I wanted to stand on a chair in the crowded bar and be an announcing angel, manic and exhausted, overworked and chubby but so excited. It was all I could do. Then again at this pub, Harlequinn, then at drop-off at my son's school, then finally while waiting for hot yoga I could contain myself no longer. I started in on someone.
Have you heard about this thing Occupy Wall Street? I think it is just the biggest, best thing. Around 2000 people in a park in New York north of Wall Street, gathered spontaneously because the overwhelming ills of this planet demand it, gathering because the economy is stagnant and the earth needs our care, because people are suffering. They are there for all of us. They call themselves the 99 percent, and so they are. A protest that is about what you want to protest. People are there because food is not clean, because they can't stand the death penalty, because too much of the wealth is concentrated in the hands of too few who do not pay enough tax, they are there because they hate war and love freedom. They are there because they are idealists willing to act. Our Jedi are gathering in urban centers across America. Sign up now!
They marched on the Brooklyn Bridge on Saturday night and 700 were arrested. There was almost no camera feed for much of it as the camera operators kept getting arrested. The next person would pick up the camera and they would get arrested. They are determined. Yet much of what happened was completely unfilmed and not followed by the media. All these 24 hour news stations and this media blackout is striking. Bits and pieces are coming through here and there but it doesn't seem to me that anyone is telling the whole story I see from their websites and tweets and clips on youtube. Did you know they have no permit for a sound system so when someone speaks, the people standing near to her say it back loudly so all can here? Have you seen it in action on YouTube? (The Michael Moore clip)