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Forum Post: Occupy Wall Street is a Movement of Leaders

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 19, 2011, 12:38 p.m. EST by forOWS (161)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

I heard a bright young protester comment when he was being interviewed by someone from the media. The media guy mentioned something to the protester about OWS being a leaderless movement and the smart young man replied that it was not a leaderless movement but a movement of leaders. Good thinking. I like the way that sounds.



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[-] 1 points by monjon22 (508) 13 years ago

I like the way it sounds; however, I do not believe it. Most people are natural followers. Few are natural leaders. I have been to Zuccotti Park / Liberty Square on numerous occassions and noticed that the same people were leading. Nothing wrong with that. Without leadership there would be no organization and OWS is highly organized. I can assure you that the NYPD and Homeland Security has identified exactly who the leaders are and carefully follow their every move. OWS has no declared leaders which is a smart tactic.

[-] 1 points by Bambi (359) 13 years ago

Too many CHIEFS has never worked in the history of man

[-] 1 points by forOWS (161) 13 years ago

What he meant was that by now most Americans realize what needs to be done and that we shouldn't have to depend on one person to come up with ideas on how and what to base the OWS movement on.

[-] 1 points by AuditElmerFudd (259) 13 years ago

"This content is user submitted and not an official statement"

That's an odd disclaimer to have on a leaderless movement.

[-] 1 points by RobertNDavis (133) 13 years ago

It's because the forum admins are too lazy to ip ban the hired troll army that constantly posts here.