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Forum Post: Occupy Wall Street High School Project (Finally Over)

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 27, 2011, 9:34 p.m. EST by Gr8Gatzby (68)
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Well the project is over and everyone is finishing up presentations. So far I think 3-4 other kids covered OWS. As for their presentations they were light hearted, objective and informative. As for mine… I think I dove a little too deep. My content might not have been entirely appropriate, but I was honest.

So do high school students think about OWS? Well outside of political systems no one even talks about it. I like the idea of more regulations for larger companies, and somehow have lesser regulations for starting businesses. I agree that elections both federal and local should be government funded. I haven’t yet taken economics to know exactly how taxing the “1%” will help the economy. For universal health care. For the installation of public colleges. Although that could hurt private colleges. Against student loan and mortgage forgiveness, because when you make an agreement and sign a contract you have to honor it.


Loose the 99% jargon. That suggest class warfare and suggest that those all the 1% are to blame.

Have a leader and a face. The “no hierarchy” is great in theory. You may think it prevents them from attacking the leader and from discrediting the movement. However any Marxist or radical of the sorts can speak on behalf of the party.

Direct democracy is impossible. OWS should have representatives like congress members that come from where ever to represent there faction of protesters.

Publically denounce rape, Nazis, public defecation, traffic disruption, violence and Communism.

Yah so that my opinion. Fill free to tear it apart. LOL. This project was fun and enlightening. And also I know no one likes trolls, but some of the people being censored aren’t really trolls. They contradict us yes, but in doing so they challenge us to think differently and can even fortify our original beliefs or even make us adopt new ones.



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