Forum Post: “Occupy Wall Street” has the Power to Neutralize Super-PACs (Karl Rove’s Nightmare…)
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 19, 2011, 7:21 p.m. EST by PhilosopherKing
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
The other day I was walking through the park and a flock of geese landed just ahead of me…I stopped to watch. There was the occasional stare and lots of honks but they didn’t seem to care that I was even there. I wondered how they communicate; is there a goose language? Or do they use a simple protocol? How does a flock make decisions? They have no leader but collectively they become a flock. The flock knows when to migrate, where to go, and when to stop for rest, food, and water. It makes one wonder if the flock has a consciousness of its own…
There is another way to think about the flock; it’s a super-organism that emerges from birds being birds…following simple “bird” rules. And the flock has powers that the individual birds don’t have. In the same way that a flock emerges, “The Occupancy” has emerged as a super-organism that has taken on a life of its own. Although many of the “occupy” rules are still forming, it has adopted a message and basic rule set, such as non-violence, that have allowed it to spring to life and (after a few setbacks) thrive.
The Occupancy is also discovering one of its most awesome powers…”the human microphone”. Not only is it critical for internal communication and story-telling but it is a direct communication line to the larger 99%. It is a highly effective method for broadcasting information and ideas to supporters and protesters. It is the voice of the movement, in unison, chanting one message….it is powerful! Just look at how effective the ”We are…the 99%” chant is. Almost everyone it the country knows it in only 2 months.
This type of super-organism is not new…we’ve seen it before during the Vietnam war and the struggle for civil rights. Although each is different, the emergence is triggered by people perceiving a grave threat or injustice. In this case, it is that we have been taught from childhood that the United States is different, it is governed “by the people for the people” and it is increasingly clear that this is no longer true. The government has been hijacked and is owned “by the corporations for the corporations” and people are here to serve them (at least until they’re no longer needed). Wealth inequity continues to grow and it’s our right and responsibility to remove the corruption and injustice within the government in the way outlined in the Constitution of the United States...peaceful public protests.
The Occupancy is only two months old and it is evolving very quickly. The violent challenges by those that protect the 1% cause it to grow ever stronger. We are entering a critical phase, where the 1% will spew propaganda and do everything in their power to kill the Occupation….it’s critical that the movement be perceived as peaceful and lawful so it is starkly obvious that the 1% are the aggressors. They will try to infiltrate the movement to make it appear that we are the bad guys and spread fear. The Occupancy must come up with innovative ways of protecting itself against this type of propaganda.
The recent “Citizens United” decision by the Supreme Court is an example of the infiltration of our democracy. This decision allows Super-PACs (political action committees) to raise money and make unlimited political contributions and exert unlimited influence. In 2012, Karl Rove and the Koch brothers are expected to spend almost $500 million on political ads….up from the $70 million last year. Political propaganda has worked in the past and the 1% expect it to work again…the 99% will prove them wrong. Utilizing the power of the super-organism, the Occupancy can effectively neutralize Super-PAC money and demonstrate the power of the 99% to control our own destiny. This is Karl Rove’s, Grover Norquist’s, and the Koch brother’s biggest nightmare…
So here’s the deal: I propose that we utilize the “human mic” to inoculate the larger population against the effects of Super-PAC ad money by developing a collection of chants that inform the 99% of the manipulative Super-PAC ads. In the same way that the human body protects itself against viruses, the Occupation can immunize the 99% against the propaganda of Super-PACs by broadcasting these chants. We need to take every opportunity to use the “human mic” and chants to spread focused messages to the larger population. A “chant book” with collections of chants that reinforce each of the major tenants of the Occupation, could be very effective and give the larger (national) movement a more focused message.
Below are a few examples of chants that may be effective against Super-PACs. “Super-PACs can’t buy the 99%” “Super-PAC ads…make us mad” “Super-PAC s …the voice of the 1%” “Super-PACs work because we let them” “Make super-PAC money a waste - THINK” “Make Super-PACs extinct – THINK”
“Occupy Super-PACs”