Forum Post: Occupy Wall Street - failure of a generation
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 14, 2011, 8:54 p.m. EST by frontierteg
from Kalamazoo Township, MI
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
If you borrowed money in the form of student loans, you are legally, morally and ethically obligated to pay it back.
Corporations are good. How much do you benefit from corporations? The clothes on your back, the shoes on your feet, the ipod, laptop and cell phone in your hand, the camping tents you reside in and all the food you eat is the result of corporations. Your standard of living is as a result of corporations.
No jobs? You've made a little community! You've got the skill. Create your own jobs. That's what Martin Luther King said, any class that feels alienated or disenfranchised needs to form their own communities, create their own businesses, create their own jobs, and not BEG the other classes to hand it to them on a silver platter.
No focus. You could have accomplished 1 great thing. If you wanted to limit corporate money in politics, you could have. Reinstate Glass Steagal, you could have. You've wasted your opportunity. Everyone is losing interest in you.
Police and local government are getting tired of you. They've put up with you long enough. You do not have the right to "occupy" someone else's private property without permission from the owner. You are trespassing, you are infringing on someone else's rights. When the police arrest you or force you to move you will feel like you've somehow been wronged by them when in fact you have broken the law and been treated extremely gently.
I've spent the last couple days reading the minutes of your general assemblies. You have become so bureaucratic, you're worse than Washington. You even try to mask the leaders by calling them "organizers" or "facilitators". You funding the most vocal members and ignoring the freezing ghetto members. You are creating classes who get preferential treatment, and you only have a few hundred (maybe, barely 2000) people. No one is taking this group seriously anymore.
You were started by adbusters. Many of you think that it doesn't amtter because adbusters doesn't control you. Think again. The adbusters people are the organizers and facilitators. Ever wonder why you get to be on the sanitation committee and they get to be on the general assembly of direct action committee? Hmmmm....
You are already breaking into groups who don't agree with each other. Your voice is getting even smaller.
The winter is coming. Lack of results means the funding will stop soon.
What a huge opportunity for your generation, fleeting away.
Thank you for your sage advice, revered General of the Divine.
Your cause has no hope. This is history. Freedom itself is being rethought. The internet has changed everything.
Sorry (not) to burst your bubble:
23.5% 24 and under 32% over 45 44.5% 25-44
60.7% college 29.4% grad school 9.9% high school or lower
30.1% > $50,000 23.3% $25,000-$49,999 46.5% < $25,000
How did that burst my bubble? I don't believe I ever stated anyone's age or income. I even started my first sentence with "If you borrowed..."
Sorry you got the impression I was only taking to younger people.
I have to agree, this movement is crumpling with so much adversity.
Yeah the facilitators are assholes.
They never listen to anyone.