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Forum Post: Occupy Wall Street DEMANDS - Concept DRAFT

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 12, 2011, 4:01 p.m. EST by WhistleBlower (3)
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DEMANDS - Occupy Wall Street

Does It Anger You The Wealthiest 1% of America Pays A Much Lower Tax Rate Than The Rest Of Us? Hedge fund managers making $100 million a year, as many do, pay a 15% income tax on their yearly earnings while the rest of us pay much higher tax rates. We Have Gross Tax Inequality in America.

Over the past 30 years, the income of the top 1% of our nation has exploded while salaries and income for the rest of us, the other 99%, have remained stagnant or declined. We Have Gross Income Inequality in America.

There Has Been A Huge Transfer Of Wealth Away From The Middle Class To The Super Wealthy. This allows people like the Koch brothers to buy legislators and pass more laws that are favorable to them. We Have Gross Economic Inequality in America. Where There Is Gross Economic Inequality There Is No Justice.

In 2004 Assistant FBI Director Chris Swecker warned of EPIDEMIC mortgage fraud in our country but he was denied funds to investigate and prosecute it. To date, NONE of the people who are responsible for the destruction of our economy, and who profited from its destruction, have been prosecuted. The FBI prefers to focus on marijuana cases rather than mortgage fraud.

The United States is the ONLY major industrialized country in the world without universal healthcare. Our Healthcare System Is Almost Twice As Expensive As Other Major Countries And Ranks Worse Than 40th In The World In Terms of Quality.

Why? Our healthcare system is run by for-profit corporations for the benefit of their shareholders and not for the good of our citizens.

Our Country Is Run By Corporations For Their Benefit. The media, which is supported by large corporate advertisers, does not tell us the truth for fear of losing advertising revenue.

Did you know our country is borrowing over 40% of our budget? This is largely to pay for foreign wars. People Who Profit From Wars, Promote Wars.

The same people want to cut Social Security and Medicare benefits to pay for our bloated defense budget. Social Security and Medicare did NOT cause our huge budget deficits or our big increases in debt. Expensive foreign wars caused our financial problems.

Protect Social Security Solvency. Eliminate The $106,000 Cap On Social Security Taxes So High Earners Pay Their Fair Share.

Tax law changes dating back to the 1980's encouraged American companies to move jobs overseas. We need to change those laws immediately and Bring High Quality Jobs Back To America.

Occupy Wall Street has been criticized for not stating their demands. The truth is, the list is so long that it boggles the mind! We must focus on energizing and educating America about what is happening. We need to get the movement going because there is so much that must be done.

Our DEMANDS can be summarized very simply: Government By The People And For The People... Not just for corporations and the super wealthy. We hear, But they have all the money and the power. We Have The Votes And The 99% Is Too Big To Fail! Get interested and informed about what is really happening to America and join us.

Michele Moore ReportingWrongdoing.com



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[-] 1 points by sudoname (1001) from Berkeley, CA 13 years ago

What about "Get Money Out of Politics" ? That is the root of most of it. We need representation from our lawmakers!

(not to say any of the rest of it is wrong, this is just missing IMO)

[-] 1 points by oceanweed (521) 13 years ago

ows from start has been democratic and all republicans do nothing but demonize the movement read the signs listen to the people and see tax rich get money out of politics end wars have never been backed by republicans tax cuts for middle class modernize roads and bridges invest in middle class not banking class by raising minimum wage thats the occupy wall street message

[-] 1 points by Maxwellian (9) 13 years ago

saying "Government By The People And For The People" is a catchy phrase but it changes nothing

It gives no "road map" or even a clue as to how to change ANYTHING

It is just an empty catch phrase

A real movement needs actual plans/demands/theories/ideas not catchy sound bites

[-] 1 points by WhistleBlower (3) 13 years ago

Good point. DOJ has not shown any interest in pursuing these cases, saying they didn't do anything illegal.

Eric Schneiderman, the Attorney General in New York is pursuing Wall Street fraud cases aggressively - and against White House wishes. Our best hope will be with the him and the other state AGs who may join him.

[-] 1 points by unfleecedbysheep (153) 13 years ago

petition for the redress of grievances to force the judicial branch to investigate the origins of the corruption. Judicial decisions often get straight to the point without having to rely on legislators to pass a law since they are part of the suspected corruption. It will take time, "due process", to realize an outcome. Checks and balances. It is the first amendment right of the people to initiate this process.

[-] 1 points by bluefish (24) from Spokane, WA 13 years ago
