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Forum Post: Occupy Wall Street Core Values request for proposals

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 5, 2011, 10:11 a.m. EST by App (0)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Please distribute: 10/07/11 Request for Comments - Core Values In an effort to to provide clarity and idiological unity I am requesting your comments regarding the movement's core values. Essentially a quick definition of the movement that set the basis for idiological unity in the organization, a small set of common denominators that's easy to understand.

This document does not represent Occupy Wall Street and is only a request for comments to define the core values of the movement for all to understand. During IRC sessions these have been undebated, normally core values are few in number but clearly represent the organization. In no specific order:

We are a nonviolent movement We seek liberty and equal opportunity for all regardless of nationality, race creed or other individual choices or conditions All persons are individuals, corporations are not individuals with divine rights. Corporations and governments are only the sum of the individuals, not a separate entity. Goverments gain their authority to rule with the consent of the citizens. All monetary instruments that are created shall have intrinsic value. Private institution have no right to create or influence the creation of any monetary instrument. Human rights are not granted by the government but are inherent and are protected by the government equally and fairly. Individual rights are inherent, they can not come at the expense of another, they are not granted and not legislated. Our Common Denominator is the wellbeing of all mankind

Please feel free to reword, edit add or subtract as well as discuss the values listed here online at http://occupywallst.org/chat/ So your can be found easily in the chat log, start your message with RFC OWS core values: your proposal



Read the Rules
[-] 2 points by LibertyFirst (325) 13 years ago

My suggestion is that the movement have a laser focus on one and only one issue: Restoring the government to the people. Right now, we don't have a democracy, we have a corporate oligarchy. If this is changed and true democracy restored, all of the policy issues can be settled later, as they should be via the democratic process. Unless and until corporate influence is removed from government, the movement has no chance of changing anything--you are asking the corrupt 1% that is in power to change themselves. That's not going to happen.
Forget about all the policy issues (taxation, student loans etc). Returning government to the people is the means by which you accomplish everything else, and it is the ONLY way it will be accomplished. Moreover, picking sides on policies will only alienate people. The 99% are never going to agree on policy. Strength in numbers is the only power the movement has--don't diminish that by creating policy divides. Get corporations out fo government, return the power to the people and then move on with democracy to settle everything else.

[-] 1 points by RyanMarkov (2) from New York, NY 13 years ago

Agreed, it should be one person - one vote, and not $1 - one vote.

Another thing - we have to educate ourselves about what sovereign government can do in fiat monetary system with flexible exchange rate regime.

government sector balance + non-government sector balance = 0

which means that government deficit = non-government surplus

and pubic "debt" = non-government sector's wealth $-for-$


[-] 1 points by American (43) from Phoenix, AZ 13 years ago

I agree...all this talk about excusing student loans just sounds like people who don't want to pay their bill.

If graduating students can find gainful employment, they can pay their loans.

So, really the issue for student loans is an employment issue.

[-] 1 points by mgiddin1 (1057) from Linthicum, MD 13 years ago

Not entirely. The government has colluded with private lending institutions to loan large amounts of money to students whom they know will not be able to pay it back, because there aren't enough jobs, and some of them simply aren't qualified.
Then they changed the rules, and made it impossible to forgive student debt - even if you declare bankruptcy, you are still obligated to repay for the rest of your life.
It is a scam and a racket - partly to put the middle class (who misguidedly place a high value on a college education) under crushing debt.

[-] 1 points by American (43) from Phoenix, AZ 13 years ago

I don't really believe this is a conspiracy.

For one thing, the government loans a student money to get an education. That's it. They don't tell you what classes to take or what to do with that education once you graduate.

It is in their best interest to have the loan paid back and to have to continually go after a graduate for their money is counter-productive...costs them more money in the long run.

So...I suggest that renegotiating the terms of the loan should be considered for those graduates that can't find employment because of the current economy and lack of opportunities.

[-] 1 points by LibertyFirst (325) 13 years ago

No need to buy into a conspiracy--it's just the facts. The Federal Government back s student loans, removing the risk from lenders. If you remove the risk of lending, lenders will lend money, even if it's for studying invisible pink unicorns. The banks can only gain form a government guarantee--they get to collect the interest on the loan and they will get it because the government guarantees it. This is basically the same thing that happened in the housing market, albeit overly simplified.

There are lots of ways to help people get an education. Giving bankers access to risk free money while putting the burden of defaulted loans on the taxpayer is not one of them.

[-] 1 points by mgiddin1 (1057) from Linthicum, MD 13 years ago

When you loan money, you are assuming a risk. While the goal of 'Getting an education' is laudable, the problem with the government doing it is that loaning money for education is a good risk for some students and some fields of study, and a very bad risk for some students and other fields of study. The government has no business loaning (our) money on a bad risk, yet they do it all the time (as in, Fannie and Freddy).

[-] 1 points by LibertyFirst (325) 13 years ago

That is correct, but don't forget that it would not be possible if the Federal Government didn't guarantee student loans. Private lenders have no skin in this game--they are free to lend any amount of money to students, regardless of their ability to pay it back, because if the student defaults, the lender still gets paid by the Federal Government (taxpayers). When there is no risk to lenders, they will lend more and more, driving the tuition costs up and up. Get the government out of the business of backing students loans and you will see tuition costs go down as well as some reduction in government debt and the 'need' to continue raising taxes.

[-] 1 points by mgiddin1 (1057) from Linthicum, MD 13 years ago

Absolutely! Make them take their own risks with loaning money to students, then they'll be much more careful. However, the siren song of socialism makes it sound so good to loan everyone money to go to college, backed by the government! Aren't we so egalitarian? Aren't we educating everyone?

[-] 1 points by RobertNDavis (133) 13 years ago

This is it right here ^^

[-] 1 points by trickledown (66) 13 years ago

Absolutely! Well said!

[-] 1 points by AN0NYM0US (640) 13 years ago

I agree, please spread this as much as you can! Trolls, and extremists and the selfish have hijacked the movement.

[-] 1 points by johnbarber (39) from Altamonte Springs, FL 13 years ago

Here's a quick one from me- not complete (or very good).

Occupy __ :

As history has shown in vivid detail, there are times when we must evaluate the course of events and judge whether they are correct or not. This cannot be done with one person, one interest or even one geographical place in mind but it should be considered for the entirety of humanity.

-Change should be made peacefully, using acts of civil disobedience as needed. Discourse should be civil and succinct. The enemies of truth will use every weapon at his disposal and your worst enemy is anger and violence because it only empowers those that seek to stifle change.

-Everyone is included in discussion regardless of age, sex, nationality or other individual delineations . Being heard and an active part in the national debate is a right in this current age that we can afford every person. Final consensus may lead a different way but at least all voices were heard.

-We affirm the Bill of Rights especially the tenth right which appoints any power not delegated in the constitution into the hands of the people.

-Corporations are not individuals and do not have the rights afforded an individual.

-Separation of corporations (or their proxies) and state are of the utmost importance to a free and valid government.

-Human rights are inherent and must be protected by citizen and government alike.

-Government and it's election process need to be safeguarded in order that is neither controlled nor dominated by interests other than the well being and safety of all citizens equally.

[-] 1 points by SpreadEagle (15) 13 years ago

Public financing for all elections,except perhaps local.

[-] 1 points by Toddtjs (187) 13 years ago

Occupy wall street is now suing city of New York.

[-] 1 points by AN0NYM0US (640) 13 years ago

Really? Link or it didn't happen