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Forum Post: Occupy Wall Street a pointless movement

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 2, 2011, 4:38 a.m. EST by freeusa (14)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

I had been following Occupy Wall Street for about a month, and I don't see the point of this movement at all. Why? You might ask, let me point out few things so you folks out there can get your head straight.

  1. The US government high official are elected by the people, and those voter are the people on the street now shouting we are the 99%.
  2. So why we volt for those people who did not keep their promise before getting in the office? because those 0.5% selfish government official has to be fund someway in order to pay for advertisement, the flyer, and so on, who took out the money for them to run the election, I am sure I did not give them a penny or maybe these mayor, governor, congress, president and so on had money growing out of their tree in the back yard?
  3. There is a law says we run the election so people can vote for the one who can serve us, but there is no law says he must do so.
  4. Going to the street and asking the government official listen to our demand base above facts, guess what is the result? They still got few more years to serve until next election. Then the cycle restarts again (steps 2and 3) so do you think the people who got the money and put the person in to that office has says over you or not?
  5. The Occupy Wall Street is an excellent movement, but we as the people must sit down and think do we want to be call treason or revolution? if is a revolution then there is point of calling it off and channel this energy through legislation, and allowing people who can server us, are free from any financial entanglement elected in to the office, then we can truly see the hand of wall street out of the system.
    CAN WE DO THAT? money runs the world, you sitting in the cold and protesting for the greater good but you are hungry and need to pay for the rent and hope other people can donate supplies to your movement, so does the people who runs for election they too needs funding. Go home and tell your congress they should propose depose of unqualified government officials and those who do not serve us base people’s well been, we will not vote for them when comes to next election.

We are the 90% voter who is the idiot vote for those people that run our government today, if we can vote for them then we can kick them out of our system by not voting them ever.

We must win our government back by using the system our ancestor has left for us, not just protesting to the point of no end. Use our right as an voter and take back our government.



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[-] 1 points by hchc (3297) from Tampa, FL 13 years ago

Its a start, its Americans doing something (most are pretty young too). Give it time, we'll see where it goes. Maybe no where. But nothing is worse than letting the Repbulicrats run wild.

[-] 1 points by Socrates469bc (608) from New York, NY 13 years ago
[-] 1 points by LiberalTreeHugger (11) 13 years ago

FINALLY! Someone with some common sense! OWS is trying to divide the country! They need to read between the lines! According to this website, "We are using the revolutionary Arab Spring tactic to achieve our ends" They are being brainwashed by terrorists!

[-] 1 points by Justice3141 (1) from Hummelstown, PA 13 years ago

No, they need to read between the lies.

[-] 1 points by UPonLocal (309) 13 years ago

The System that is rigged, is the voting system.

In Court testimony, the programmer who wrote the code that stole the 2004 election explains how it was done and what to do to prevent it.

Get an honest voting system, and then you did change the system. The peole can then work it out on a fair election process.

This may be the answer

rigged vote testimony:


[-] 0 points by freeusa (14) 13 years ago

true! and agree, but there is a limit to every thing. go home and let's work on the system. I said we kick out those not serve us and run a true election-by words of mouth, is that possible? maybe.

I had a friend, someone ask him come out an run for election, he ask who is going to pay for the cost of travel, aid, office renting, etc.etc. they told him don't worried someone will pay for it, my friend says no thanks, I don't want to owe anyone anything.

[-] 0 points by freeusa (14) 13 years ago

I fully agree OWS declaration, but what is the end? it takes money to do anything these, who got it? I am sure President O'bama did not have the money to run a election campaign, so who pay for it? like one of the word I hear from ows that really move me is when you asking a police office who do you serve? the answer is the US government and who runs USG? not the wall street guys, it is the money. it is the money run this country. try not going to eat for a few days, few weeks, try to be homeless for a month, who is going to take care of you? money is going to solve some of your issues not all but sure do run our government. go home and think it over then try to run a clean campaign and find the person who is willing not getting paid and only had 1 penny in the pocket to run our country and serve us. Go home, your voice has been heard it is time to go home and work on a real solution and not becoming a bigger problem.

by the way to the supporter of OWS in case you think I am full of it cause I am not their with you, and you are dead wrong. I grew up in Brooklyn bay ridge now lives in queens. it cost money to stay out in the cold, go home and work out a real solution and change the system by using the system, else there is only one way to do it, that is treason. I like America it has good and bad, I am tire of NYT raised the fair every year and not listening to us, so unless we are turning over gov. by treason, go home and let's put people in the house that really serve us.

[-] 0 points by freeusa (14) 13 years ago

I saw Michael More on you tube yesterday, I think he still not getting the whole picture. Why? Before I continue on this writing, let me said I am fan of Michael, he is the man that woke me up from the evil empire of corporate America. So he said the 400 of those riches people in the US need to be afraid of 250milions of us... are you sure Michael? Are you sure we the people have the power? What kind of power? Knife and stick or better yet do we have military power? Do you want to be accused of treason? Wake up people the government is going to use their police, National Guard, and armies against those of people who threaten the safety of this country, simply put it the safety of this country runs on money if the 400 riches people with draw their money and move to somewhere else what is going to be this country left with? Nothing! We all going to go unemployment, and our tax dollars sure is not going to be able to pay for everyone in line. SO WHAT CAN WE DO? OUR RIGHT IS TO VOTE FOR PEOPLE ARE WILLING TO SERVE US. IF WE CAN NOT DEPOSE THEM TODAY, WE MAKE SURE NOT GOING TO LET THEM GET OUR VOTE NEXT TIME.

  • DO you know how much it cost to run an aid in the news paper, or a 10sec. TV commercial? or how much money it will cost you to fly from New York city to Hawaii? or drove the bus around the 48 states? those are the cost for any election campaign, who is going to pay for all these for a campaign? Go home and think it over before OWS died in vein, we need to keep the movement alive but before we can do that we got to face one thing, money. it takes money for every thing in life. how we going to replace all those government elected official with our them paying for the election campaign and not owe any one a penny. If we got an answer for this puzzle then we might find a government for the majority people and by the majority people.
[-] 0 points by smartguy (180) 13 years ago

come at me bro