Forum Post: Occupy Wall St. in NYC is Being Evicted Right Now!!
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 15, 2011, 1:22 a.m. EST by RSfromVT
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I just got a text message from OccupyNYC (from the # on this website) that said:
OccupyNYC: URGENT: Hundreds of police mobilizing around Zuccotti. Eviction in progress!
What can we do to help? Any ideas, anyone?
celebration26: Zucotti Park, NYC is getting evicted. Spread the news. Tweet, FB. Whole world needs to know it RIGHT NOW. They are attacking heart of our movement.
1:38 AM celebration26: Must Call right now. Mayor 212-639-9675 email NYPD: 646-610-5000 / Respectfully Demand 1st Amendment Rights