Forum Post: Occupy Wall St and Occupy Seattle: An open response
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 7, 2011, 6:19 p.m. EST by thoreau42
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
An open response to Occupy Wall St and Occupy Seattle While I agree, for the most part, with many of the sentiments expressed with these groups who are attempting to occupy the world (hereforward known as The Occupation), I've come to the conclusion that, while their hearts might be in the right place, they will be unable to actually do anything about any of their grievances, if they carry on in the current manner..
I spent about 5 hours the last two days with the folks of Occupy Seattle down at Westlake center. I got to have a few discussions, listen to a few other discussions, and participate in the General Assembly on October 3rd. The prime purpose of Occupy Seattle, as I understand it, is to show solidarity with Occupy Wall Street, though they are planning on having something of an individualized tandem approach going forward. I think the idea is to be a variation on a theme. Even though there wasn't more than a hundred people there when I was there, it was exciting to feel as if I was a part of something, or if I was witnessing something important. This feeling fizzled out over the time I was there and was replaced with a feeling that I was watching another massive distraction on the road to meaningful results.
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