Forum Post: Occupy Trenton NJ HQ Fund Drive
Posted 13 years ago on Feb. 1, 2012, 12:09 a.m. EST by JFKFC
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
"Occupy Trenton has been out in front of the New Jersey State House for over 118 days, spreading the word about the forces that caused the global financial meltdown.
As winter has progressed, the cold weather has affected our occupation and our ability to do important work. Although it has been a mild season, the state denies us the use of electricity, shelter or heat at the occupation site. Our determination to continue occupying – and to comply with the law while doing so – has meant we must focus nearly all our energy on maintaining the life and health of the occupiers, and we have fewer resources to dedicate to the other parts of our mission such as outreach, education and direct action.
Now we have an opportunity to secure an indoor headquarters less than one block from the occupation site, but we must act immediately! We only need 200 people to give $36 each. Please help us!
We are NOT leaving the WWII Memorial park!
We need to maintain our occupation directly in front of the state house to keep pressure on the Governor and the Legislature and to remind them that the people’s right to a democracy that works as well for 99% of our people as it does for the 1% cannot be ignored.
This indoor location is close enough to provide logistical support to the occupation site. Occupiers can go inside and get warm on overnight shifts, or during cold days. There is a bathroom. Laptop batteries can be kept charged. Signage and equipment can be stored securely during rotations. It will provide a backup location for General Assembly meetings during cold or inclement conditions. And it will serve as a home base for the secondary goals of our occupation: community outreach, communications, and organizing for change.
We were able to negotiate a generous deal with the landlord for a one year lease (instead of the usual two) and a discount on the rent, but only if we pay the entire year’s rent up front. We need to raise the money now, before this opportunity disappears.
If 200 people could give us just $36 each, we could move into our new headquarters, continue our work and take on new challenges. So this fund drive is limited to 200 donations.
Everyone who donates will be listed on our website as a sponsor of our headquarters effort. (Or you can donate anonymously, or in someone else's name.) "
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