Forum Post: Occupy Trash Disposal
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 6, 2011, 7:21 a.m. EST by randart
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What if the trash disposal unions supported OWS and quit picking up the trash in the financial district and the wealthy neighborhoods? I suspect it would take about two weeks before they came to the table and wanted to discuss real issues.
Hmmm, seems like New Yorkers have experienced a few sanitation worker strikes, I clearly remember large black trash bags piled high along the city streets...
Transportation workers have also done their bit, as has the highway workers striking refusing to remove snow from city streets.
A sanitation strike is most effective in the warmer months for obvious reasons, but there are alternatives.
Strike might not be the correct word, boycott might fit better.
They would probably lose some money, by hiring private contractors to remove it. They might lose some documents though. :0 What are the real issues that you want discussed with them?
First I would like some transparency in the market. It would be nice if the those unregulated swaps saw the light of day more often. Wall Street is being run like a casino and it is wrong. People would like to make investments if they have the money to do so but after seeing what is happening on the inside tends to reduce any faith that their money will be treated with a fiduciary trust.
I don't know about you but I have this thing in my soul that says betting on another country failing is not good for anyone. Selling bundled packages filled with faulty loans is a bad thing.
As for the private contractors. I am not sure the mob would allow it.
Well said. I also think that the news is getting out that members of congress are or may be, exempt from insider trading laws. I think that their trading should be public record, and conflict of interest discussed. I might want to buy some of that stock. I bet their trash is not on the curb.
I thought you were suggesting the trash people pick up ows protesters. I'd be all for that.
The Scoops are on their way
Are the scoops occupier sized?
No. Just make the Wall Street "masters of the universe" pick up their own trash. I am sure it would be an interesting spectacle.
The money machine system needs a wake up call and this just might be one of the easiest ways to actually get their attention. They want to be aloof and isolated from the rest of us under privileged commoners so let them be isolated from this simple task of disposing of trash. In addition to this the postal service, which is about to lose around 200,000 jobs, could stop delivery to some neighborhoods, like Wall Street.
It needs to be clear who really has the power in this country. They wouldn't exist without the working classes.
Sure, then let's cut off their water, electricity, gas and other needed things. That would get their attention. No one would exist without the working people. I don't advocate wage wars as it's another form of war and we don't need any more wars.
That's just plain evil. ; )
Not evil, just a tactic that might work. It would probably take a month before they couldn't take it any longer but it might make the elite realize what value the "common folk" really have.
if you have time take a look at this documentary about the occupation of Venezuela,
midway into it it says alot and gives inspiration, the workers in Venezuela are beginning to occupy their companies, transferring the management to a general assembly of the workers, and they are all payed equally a percentage of the profits, no bosses, no managers, no CEO etc etc