Forum Post: Occupy Times Square!
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 5, 2011, 1:57 a.m. EST by RickSHAW
from Colchester, VT
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
The times square ball drop has long been one of the most watched televised events. It will be live. There will be hundreds of thousands of people there already, and as it is a public event, there would be no grounds for arrests. If the police do try to squash our first amendment rights, there would be so many people there for the celebration, it would be easy to slip into the crowd.
Imagine the shots of the crowd from past years, only with a smattering of signs, voicing grievances and dissatisfaction.
This doesn't have to be just Times Square. So many places have their celebrations, each one is an opportunity for media coverage of the revolution.
Bring your signs. Bring your words. Bring your cause.