Forum Post: Occupy the White House 2012
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 19, 2011, 4:39 a.m. EST by welles
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
If there was ever a time in the history of this country to elect a third party candidate as president, that time is now.
If we the 99% can rally around Americans Elect we can use that platform to nominate a candidate who truly speaks for us, and not for the wealthy and corporations who pay for campaigns.
So I urge you to please go to and sign up to be a delegate, because right now for the first time in the history of this country we the supposedly represented masses have the chance to directly elect the president of the United States.
Together we can occupy the White House!
The election is less than a year away, it's too late for a third party candidate from a group that is still leaderless. Maybe in 2016.
It's not too late, will have a 3rd party candidate on the 2012 ballot in all 50 states. All we have to do is vote on who it will be and if all the occupy movement votes than we can decide who that will be.
Everyone, please sign up and vote!
I keep hearing about Ron Lawl as a possible third party candidate, because the msm will not allow him to win the republican nomination. What is the general consensus on him? I like his end the federal reserve stance, get us out of these endless wars, and he does not appear to be a corporate stooge.
Scare the hell out of the two dominance parties, register Independent. It scares the hell out of the Democrats and Republicans that the Independents are the fastest growing group in American politics. They can't control Independents. They can't tell Independents what to think as they do with their own party sycophants.
The Republicans like to claim that Independents support them but it is not true. Independents are all kinds of Americans.
As an Independent you can vote dynamically. In the primaries you can change your registration to one of the parties to vote for or against any candidate you like or dislike. Then change back to Independent for the general election so the parties are confused.
WRITE-IN is the most immediate way that We The People can take back our elections now. Its free. Its easy.
All we have to do is decide on people we like and support them with web sites. On public forums. In letters to the editor at newspapers. On the street.
turn every OWS rally into a VOTER REGISTRATION CAMPAIGN. Encourage OWS supporters to register Independent.
Don't just abandon the two party system, fight back against it.
I plan to change my registration to Democrat in the primary, draft and Write-In Elizabeth Warren for president. Wall Street hates her and fears her.
In the general election, as an Independent, I will again draft and Write-In Elizabeth Warren.
And what are you going to do? And in what way? I am referring to - for the people. This need:
I agree with you and have been supporting Americans Elect since it first appeared on the scenes:
While I basically think that the Democratic Party is comprised of self-outs (including Obama himself), all the Republican candidates are such reactionary sell-outs, that I'd be really concerned if any of them got elected.
So I'm completely torn. I have no use for a corporatist Democrat like Obama, but I may just wind up supporting him because the other options are so incredibly evil.
The other option is for those in movements like OWS to try to take over the Democratic Party and force it to become more progressive. That actually might be a more viable option over the long-term.
I agree that Obama is the logical alternative to the giant steaming pile of evil that is the Republican field, and he might even make a decent second term president if he focuses on growing the economy by growing a pair of cohones.
My hope is for Americans Elect to not necessarily elect a third party to the white house in 2012 but create enough momentum to reform the primary process for future elections.
Iowa and New Hampshire can suck my nuts if they think they have the authority to tell me or anyone else who is eligible to run for president!
I agree about the 3rd party candidate. What party would you support? Or start?
I support the non-partisan process of direct democracy.
I hope somebody occupies the White House in 2012, we haven't had anyone functioning in it for the last 3 years.
Try three decades. Or maybe it's five decades.
The left<>right "debate" is obfuscation. Both "sides" of the political spectrum have been bought and owned for that long now.
The true leaders of the nation have no intention of allowing anyone else to become their controllers ever again.
I disagree, after the Carter mistake, things were never that bad. Regan through Bush II did a pretty decent job of atleast maintaining. This guy's calculator and general sense of American life is the most retarded thing I have ever had the miss-pleasure of living. Jimmy Carter was a disaster but what makes Obama worse is that it appears to be a concerted effort by him and the tards he nominates and puts into criticle positions to not only put our country at risk but to keep them there. That's where the protest needs to be happening.
Disagree. History is there for all of us to read. The rot set in decades ago. Bernanke is not Obama's creation. Neither is the Fed. The deregulation of the banking industry started decades ago.
Take a look at the Inside Job documentary. Most informative.
All the crooks are still there. Richer than ever, and still screwing over the economy for personal gain. Nothing to do with Obama.
You are correct except that where it links to Obama is in his economic plans that not only continue the already established downfalls to mainstream Americans, they encourage and in alot of cases assist the continuation.
Yes, I totally agree with you there.
What I'm thinking is, that once in office, the two choices are; take the money, or take a bullet.
Four years of telling lies, and taking the money.
Or taking the bullet. Which path would you choose?
Your agenda has some amusing talking points, Lizzy.
umm, ok, you make tons of sense.
Why would the woman of this nation want to replace him? Because none of those woman will ever see his penis so it is an unconsiquential factor. What will drive the woman's vote is there inability to buy Victoria Secret because they no longer have a job because of his failed economics.
LOL, this web site keeps getting better and better everyday.
The truth is, rich white males have gotten what ever and who ever they have wanted because they have the money and that is primarily what the woman have always been after. We will use a black male as an example to illustrate my point. Lil Wayne is said to be hung like a grasshopper and he is ugly as hell, but he pulls some pretty hot girls why? Because he has money! Solja fag is an anarexic freek, gets good looking woman why? He has money. Fat Joe hadent even seen his own penis in 30 years but he had hot girls flocked all around him why? He had money!
Yeah, and I'm sure you feel equally dignified when he raps about how he Beat that Ass all night in his next rap song to his homeboys. Oh the things we are proud of.
Not at all. Unfortunatly, it has become the accepted "Qualities" by America as evidenced by the pedistal that our young black rappers make there millions off of. I personally am very happy with the fact that I chose to get educated and be successful in life it is a very unfortunate but unfortuatly common "Quality" that society (particularly the black community) has alowed to be the dominant portrayal of us.
Lol, it has certainly done the trick. By the way, you didn't reply to my other post where I was nice enough to tell you how right you were..
LOL, oh yeah, I would love to hear how someone beat the shit out of me just so he could brag about it to the world and then kicked me to the curb. I guess if that's a treasured moment for some than good on em, I'm sure that makes Mama proud.
First, I am a Black man, who is married to a Mexican woman so the racist part is certainly out of the question. Second, have you ever lived with a hispanic woman? The word virgin is like a cuss word.