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Forum Post: Occupy the Statehouse! Constitution can be amended by national convention!

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 15, 2011, 1:25 p.m. EST by yasminec001 (584)
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[-] 1 points by unimportant (716) 13 years ago


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[-] 1 points by yasminec001 (584) 13 years ago

I'm sorry but I misunderstand your post.

[-] 1 points by unimportant (716) 13 years ago

facebook requires I have an account to view the page.

[-] 1 points by x234 (-1) 13 years ago

You need to occupy Washington D.C. - that's where the change can be made - Seriously...being spread out across the country with nothing happening except getting thrown out of parks is not the way. Get all of Occupy wall street to show up in Washington. Like the soldiers after WW1 did to get their bonuses. Occupy Washington D.C.

[-] 1 points by yasminec001 (584) 13 years ago

I also believe in the meantime we should be working on setting term limits for congressmen and women, and banning politicians from becoming lobbyists.

[-] 1 points by yasminec001 (584) 13 years ago

I believe this, too. Or, at least for the 2012 elections and other upcoming elections, let us have some formally elected persons to run for these positions. However, for the people in different parts of the country that cannot travel at the present time, there should be General Assembly Areas where they can gather to talk, share, and opinionate on different matters. Also to hold polls and consensus voting.

[-] 1 points by AFarewellToKings (1486) 13 years ago

OWS needs to hold a National General Assembly https://sites.google.com/site/the99percentdeclaration/

[-] 1 points by yasminec001 (584) 13 years ago

I believe that documentation was proved to not wholly represent this movement. But...it does contain an excellent idea - National General Assembly. Please check this out, I believe it might have relevance.


[-] 1 points by AFarewellToKings (1486) 13 years ago

believe that documentation was proved to not wholly represent this movement " I'm sure the same was said about the Suffolk Resolves of 1774 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suffolk_Resolves

[-] 1 points by yasminec001 (584) 13 years ago

You have a point. I think the 99percentdeclaration was turned down for the creators' efforts to unfairly represent Occupy, because many others also have good ideas. But I'm starting to get the idea that there will probably be a national procedure to follow, as well as solutions for our local and regional areas in America. We might also have to conduct trials with each proposal to find one that perfectly fits.

Edit: Scrolling through the full text of Suffolk Resolves, 7 and 8 stand out to me. If this can be modernized, it has a lot of potential.

[-] 1 points by AFarewellToKings (1486) 13 years ago

"proven to not wholly represent" by who? "turned down" by who? Is holding a NGA to hammer out what goes on the list of grievances a bad idea? Is the ballot box not the only legal toolbox we have? Are we lawbreakers or activists/problem solvers?

"[-] theghostofthomasjefferson 3 points 6 days ago No, I wrote the Declaration of Desperation. I believe the 99% Declaration is an ineffective document. The Occupy Movement will fail if it is adopted. For it will alienate the American People. This is not a question of politics, of right or wrong. This is a question of intelligence. We must be smart. We enjoy popular support, for now. But to preserve America's good will, we must keep our demands narrow: end the corrupting influence of money in politics. That is something a majority of Americans can get behind. That is something a social movement can achieve. And then, and only then, can the other issues be successfully pursued."

Why not go to Philadelphia and TALK about it?!?

[-] 1 points by yasminec001 (584) 13 years ago

I'm not totally sure on the details, just saw it in passing somewhere in the news section of this site. But, before I saw that, I was in full support of that document. I still am, but I'm trying to look through other proposals as well. I really like the idea of voting, as a whole country, to see what the american people believe are the problems of our socioeconomic system, and what we as a people want to have done. I want complete transparency on all official records of all incumbents to be shown in the light, especially financial records. I would love a throw-out of all incumbents, but why not hold a re-election? Of every single position held by a person in any kind of office of government? And then pass a law which limits terms for congress.

Please take a look at this link. I think there's alot that can also come out of it.


[-] 1 points by AFarewellToKings (1486) 13 years ago

the occupy statehouse link was the right idea but a failure (i 'm assuming it failed because there were no earth-shattering reports of it in the news) because there was no time to spread the word. bensdad thinks the amendment process is the way to go. The place to have this discussion is Philadelphia and by having the NGA, everyone will know where OWS is going. 99% lined up against the 1%, 99% has to line up behind a plan of action post-occupation. If we fail to get to the NGA we will fail to #occupy congress, and that may not even be neccessary should TPTB take take the list of grievances seriously, even if theghostofthomassjefferson is right and the list only has one item on it!!! Why is it so difficult for people to back anything?!? It's really sad and frustrating. Have you seen the adbusters post? http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/adbusters-occupy-wall-street-innovator-movement-wind-start-spring-article-1.977956

[-] 1 points by yasminec001 (584) 13 years ago

Has there been any large working groups associated with this? Is there any preparation going on that you know of? I'll do some research on my own. And it's just a beginning. The statehouse link was just created a couple days ago.

[-] 1 points by AFarewellToKings (1486) 13 years ago

The Working Group on the 99%Declaration was announced at the NYCGA on October 15th. The owners of this website unilaterally decided that it didn't suit THEIR ideas and removed it. The working group is as small as #OWS was on September 17th and you'll find them here: https://sites.google.com/site/the99percentdeclaration/

[-] 1 points by yasminec001 (584) 13 years ago

Thank you. I really feel we should give everything the proper respect and attention. I have a good feeling about this. Our power can come from voting, boycotting, and public scrutiny. Let the sunshine in, as they say.

[-] 1 points by AFarewellToKings (1486) 13 years ago

You're welcome. BTW this interview with David DeGraw and Bill Black led me to discover a like-minded group that will hopefully be in Philly: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kP3oRwXI558&feature=player_embedded and they can be found at www.getmoneyout.com I haven't checked it out yet so if you get time, i'd like to know what you think. Soon, Farewell

[-] 1 points by yasminec001 (584) 13 years ago

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M1lJd2eLG0M&sns=fb check that out. it's a political rant about our bought congress.

they both got it right. it's not about politics. it's about manipulation and blackmail. it's about congressmen staying in their position for far too long, and lobbyists making faulty policies in order to gain profit. people keep thinking "if it's not one then it's the other" always thinking that one has to be right and the other is wrong. Why can't both be wrong? Left and right cannot work because there is no real respect of humanity, let alone any real ability to be truthful.

[-] 1 points by AFarewellToKings (1486) 13 years ago

'All roads lead to Philadelphia' spread the word. see you soon : )

[-] 1 points by yasminec001 (584) 13 years ago


[-] 1 points by AFarewellToKings (1486) 13 years ago

Ahh the arts, they help to change it... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xq3BYw4xjxE&NR=1 ---------- http://www.youtube.com/user/thejuicemedia#p/u/1/b66u-mzfBPE -------- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OjPJ45kmDz8 --------Enjoy! msg me if you have any questions

[-] 0 points by cityrep (20) 13 years ago

Uhhh, the soldiers after WW1 didn't get bonuses. But DC is the place to be.

[-] -1 points by stevo (314) 13 years ago

Yea...where is the OWS National Convention going to be held? The New Jersey swamp?

[-] 1 points by AFarewellToKings (1486) 13 years ago

In Philadelphia, starting July 4th https://sites.google.com/site/the99percentdeclaration/