Forum Post: Occupy The Senate! Political Movement to take back Government!
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 11, 2011, 5:50 p.m. EST by flamingliberal
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Occupy the senate will be a political movement. Join us, and help us take back our government. Our aim is to remove all senators that sell legislation to the highest bidder by taking lobbiest money.Here is a list of our demands:
- End all corporate monopolies in America.
- Provide healtcare for all Americans.
- All senators must stop taking money from lobbiest.
- Regulate the banks and wallstreet.
- Protect the seperation of church and state.
- Confront China on their unfair free market practices.
Yes, that is exactly what is needed.
Manifesting discontent with Wall Street and big bankers is great, but to what effect?
Banks are where they are because they lined senator pockets with cash and senators agree to push the banks corporate interests. Corporate Monopolies exist in America because the senate does nothing to stop them, Healthcare in America is quasi non-existent because the senate prevented it from being a dependable and effective measure. Americans simply let senators take money from corporations.
Let's review for a moment: Obama proposes healthcare reform and free basic healthcare for all Americans. Insurance companies say: "no way, the government will be dipping into our profits." Insurance companies form a lobby, the lobby spends as much cash as needed to buy the senator's vote on the healthcare reform bill. The healthcare reform ends up being a mere symbolic reflection, a joke. The bill failed because your senators refused to say no to the Insurance Industry, nothing more, and wait, it gets better! Revenues for the insurance companies remain high thanks to your senate. The insurance companies then spend millions on advertising to drill the message that regulating healthcare is wrong, and eventually, Americans fall back in-line with the will of a multi-billion dollar industry.
Are Americans better off? How are the insurance corporations doing?
Here's a thought, what happened to the question of Healthcare Insurance profits since the vote on the healthcare reform bill? Has America already forgotten??
This goes on and on...with big oil, with big banks, with the military, with private education and just about any other industry...
Is it normal that Corporations should have more political weight than the American People?
Is it normal that shareholder interests for profit are more important than common interests for American civil benefit.
Ask your Senator!
They'll tell you it is unpatriotic and socialist to vote for "social" good. As if they believed Americans would remain dumb enough for long enough to stop asking questions about socialist values. They will tell you it is un-American to manifest your discontent with the gap between being ridiculously rich and being ridiculously unfavored by the system.
They will take more money from corporations, and keep drilling this message with no relent.
STOP SENATORS from TAKING MONEY from LOBBYISTS, and the rest will follow.
Advice from your Canadian Neighbors