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Forum Post: Occupy the SEC Sues Federal Reserve, SEC, CFTC, OCC, FDIC and U.S. Treasury Over Volcker Rule Delays

Posted 12 years ago on March 2, 2013, 3:12 a.m. EST by BradB (2693) from Washington, DC
This content is user submitted and not an official statement


The organization is suing every Federal regulator that resides in the pocket of Wall Street – which means they are suing every Federal regulator of Wall Street. And, spunky group that they are, they’re naming individuals too. Here’s the rundown: Ben Bernanke, Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, Martin Gruenberg, Chairman of the FDIC, Elisse Walter, Chair of the SEC, Gary Gensler, Chair of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, Thomas Curry, Comptroller of the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, Mary Miller, Under Secretary for Domestic Finance at the Treasury, Neal Wolin, Acting Secretary of the Treasury.



Read the Rules
[-] 6 points by Middleaged (5140) 12 years ago

I'm very pleased to see this action. I will try to forward to some others to see if they will forward to more people ... hopefully we can see many websites pick up the story ... and see articles of interest published across the globe.

[-] 2 points by Middleaged (5140) 11 years ago

Judge, Naomi Buckwald, Tosses Anti-Trust charges & RICO Charges, Says No RICO Laws apply to Securities or Banks due to an 1995 Law. She says the banks are not in competition with each other, so there is no violation of anti-trust, but the purpose of anti-trust law is to promote competition (she is an idiot).

Michael Hausfeld, a lawyer for the plaintiffs, noted the judge had granted the parties the ability to amend and re-file their lawsuit.

“We have the decision under evaluation,” he said. “We are considering filing an amended complaint or taking an appeal, but we haven’t decided yet.”

Video on LIBOR Suit & RICO Suit in New York

http://rt.com/shows/keiser-report/episode-427-max-keiser-277/ (8-10 minutes into it ... They state the Judge, Naomi Buckwald, Says No RICO Laws apply to Securities or Banks due to an 1995 Law)

Same Judge Dismissed Anti-Trust Charges against Monsanto according to Stacy Herbert ....(9:30 minutes in)

Halliburton is Exempt from the Clean Water Act according to Stacy Herbert

The Private Securities Litigation Reform Act 1995 ... which was written and passed after the S & L (Savings & Loan Scandal) ... to prevent "abusive litigation". Max Keiser & Stacy Herbert did their job here. They are the only ones to publish this info that I have heard.

Banks Score Major Win in Private LIBOR Suits

Michael Hausfeld, a lawyer for the plaintiffs, noted the judge had granted the parties the ability to amend and re-file their lawsuit.

“We have the decision under evaluation,” he said. “We are considering filing an amended complaint or taking an appeal, but we haven’t decided yet.”


The cases are In Re: Libor-Based Financial Instruments Antitrust Litigation, US District Court for the Southern District of New York, No. 11-md-2262. — Reuters

[-] 1 points by Middleaged (5140) 11 years ago

"In the District Court lawsuit, Spire Law Group, LLP - on behalf of home owner across the Country and New York taxpayers, as well as under other taxpayer recompense laws - has expanded its mass tort action into federal court in Brooklyn, New York, seeking to halt all foreclosures nationwide pending the return of the $43 trillion ($43,000,000,000,000.00) by the "Banksters" and their co-conspirators, seeking an audit of the Fed and audits of all the "bailout programs" by an independent receiver such as Neil Barofsky, former Inspector General of the TARP program who has stated that none of the TARP money and other "bailout money" advanced from the Treasury has ever been repaid despite protestations to the contrary by the Defendants as well as similar protestations by President Obama and the Obama Administration both publicly on national television and more privately to the United States Congress.

"This week financial news organization CNBC gave some mainstream attention to the largest money laundering and racketeering lawsuit in United States History, in which "Banksters" and their U.S. racketeering partners are being accused of laundering of 43 trillion dollars worth of ill gotten gains.The lawsuit is said to involve officials located in the highest offices of government and the financial sector. Since this information was surprisingly revealed by the mainstream news organization there has been a very suspicious and deadly fallout at the CNBC headquarters. Within hours the original page for the article was taken down, and CNBC senior vice president Kevin Krim received news that his children were killed under very suspicious circumstances."

Note as well: Timothy Geitner, Treasury Secretary and Attorney General Eric Holder, who were both named in the lawsuit, and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton all resigned immediately after election results. [CBH?]

http://www.kcandassociates.org/pdfs/111307429-Spire-Law-Federal-Complaint-in-New-York.pdf (Click Here)

Looks like Related to Your Post and looks like new info on this other Law Suit.


[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago

Is this a fresh update?

[-] 2 points by Middleaged (5140) 11 years ago

It is more info than I have seen before, but the Spire Group Lawsuit has been out there for a while. I just didn't see this accusation ... or maybe the wording here nails it down for me better than before. Looks like this document is from Oct 25th, 2012 ....

Maybe this is the first time I have seen the actual Lawsuit Document. I wish I had a printer to help ease the reading.

[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago

Yeah I have seen nothing fresh either - I was hoping that this was a recent article. Thx