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Forum Post: Occupy the media

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 8, 2011, 9:14 p.m. EST by Nulambda (265)
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Thoughts? If the media is not covering the movement, should we start an occupy the media campaign? Last time I checked the airwaves are owned by the people, not wall street, and the mainstream media has a responsibility to the people. If they do not live up to this responsibility, the people reserve the right to not allow the irresponsible organization to use our airwaves.....



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[-] 1 points by ojosdelangel77 (33) from Fort Smith, AR 13 years ago

I have been emailing media places! They should be covering it and covering it fairly!

[-] 1 points by occupymymind (8) 13 years ago

let's do this slowly

nothing is going to be destroyed. we have safety in numbers

let's do this the gentle way

[-] 1 points by Nulambda (265) 13 years ago

I also think the media is responsible for the false divide of left/ right that keeps the 99% divided and uneducated. If this movement is to have a lasting affect, then the mainstream media should be held acceptable for misrepresenting the public's interest and selling out to the bankers. I believe it is time to Occupy the Media!

[-] 1 points by Zeitgeister (29) 13 years ago

The media in America is controlled by the elite. That's why it is called the 4th branch of the government. If you watch almost any other countries news station there is lots of coverage of the protests. If you really want to know whats happening in America you have to go outside it.

[-] 1 points by dragonfly (3) 13 years ago

What bothers me the most about the media is that foreign protesters got constant media coverage in the U.S. When the people of the U.S protests there is little to no media coverage for weeks.

[-] 1 points by LampySue (2) 13 years ago

The BBC needs support.

[-] 1 points by anonymouschristianterrorist (88) 13 years ago

The media is owned by the bankers big business and the government who tells them what to say. Wake up people.

[-] 1 points by MuadDib (154) 13 years ago

"Last time I checked the airwaves are owned by the people, not wall street"

When was the last time you checked?

[-] 1 points by Nulambda (265) 13 years ago

The airwaves are public. The government/ federal reserve system has sold our waves to the corporations without citizen approval, in the name of public safety. The reason why the government says it can in force decency laws on the public airwaves is dut to theirvargumentbit is the people's airwaves, therefore they have jurisdiction over the public airwaves. In reality, they use this argument to shut down local media outlets that use the airwaves, for example pirate radio stations. The airwaves are OUR airwaves. The media has a responsibility to the people. Because of the banking cartels control over our government, this fundamentalvright has been hijacked.