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Forum Post: Occupy The Market: How To Vote With Your Wallet/Dollar

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 11, 2011, 4:45 p.m. EST by jaktober (286) from Sonoma, CA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Put together some ideas on how to fight corrupt corporations on a daily basis through your financial transaction. What you buy, who you buy it from, who you support, even where you keep your money.




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[-] 2 points by MonetizingDiscontent (1257) 13 years ago

Great Post! Love the link, thank you =)

[-] 2 points by jaktober (286) from Sonoma, CA 13 years ago

My pleasure!

[-] 2 points by JadedGem (895) 13 years ago

Cool site! Saw Ubuntu on the list!!! I have ubuntu set up on this computer with windows so I can use free software and programs on Ubuntu. Its actually nice and user friendly, imagine that! Windows is great but its probably overkill for most computer users. Your average person would probably find it does everything they want it to. I just wanted to let people know people actually do use Ubuntu and there computers do not blow up. I bookmarked the site so can go back and reread it. I got to thinking, why do trolls act like they own small businesses on here and go out of their way annoy people? I will still do business with local small businesses in my area as opposed to corporations. It just made me wonder.

[-] 2 points by jaktober (286) from Sonoma, CA 13 years ago

Ubuntu rocks. I actually met two Ubuntu users in the last week or so, both on Organic Farms. My computer has never blown up!

[-] 1 points by JadedGem (895) 13 years ago

I'm using gimp too, photoshop can bite my butt! Ubuntu ROCKS! People need to give it a shot. If they find free one program they like on it, its worth the few mins to install it. I got really mad at this country awhile ago. I speak their language, I don't vote in elections, I vote with my $$$$$$!

[-] 2 points by jaktober (286) from Sonoma, CA 13 years ago

I rock GIMP on the regular. It's what I use for all my graphic design on my web sites. I found a while ago that you can consume your life working with like minded people on productive things and pay attention to all the amazing stuff going on and the world will be magical, or you can just as easily fight with people you don't agree with, work a job you hate, and pay attention to all the horrible stuff going on and the world will be bleak. As Bill Hicks, it's a choice between fear and love. Or as Philip K. Dick said, the Empire is always there it's your choice if it rules you.

[-] 1 points by JadedGem (895) 13 years ago

I know! People can be so brainwashed. I feel like saying "The Emperor Has No Clothes!" a lot around trolls. But its quite exciting to learn how many people do share similar views to mine. And its especially great to meet people who are willing to make changes long term to take the profits to be made off the living away from certain people. People have been working together to make things like Ubuntu, Gimp, Blender. There are so many good people out there. I don't mind paying attention to what is going on. I think its good to know what's really going on in the world. Especially since they started to stand up for themselves!!!

[-] 1 points by jaktober (286) from Sonoma, CA 13 years ago

If people were to look for the good things that are going on they'd see that there is in fact a change going on. Society is moving forward, despite all the bad things going on. It isn't society that needs to change, it is the individual that is not happy with society that needs to change. If you look at the world and only focus on the bad stuff, then you are making that choice. There is plenty of amazing things happening that could use the help of the "99%." In fact, they are happening whether or not the 99% joins on.


[-] 1 points by OTP (-203) from Tampa, FL 12 years ago

Good action.

[-] 1 points by JadedGem (895) 13 years ago

I think with the governments trying to shut down the camps, this is something even the people at home could do to show their support.

[-] 1 points by jaktober (286) from Sonoma, CA 13 years ago

Exactly, these are things everyone can do. In my opinion, these actions are far more effective than camping out and protesting.

[-] 0 points by tabby (0) 13 years ago

If $1 equals one vote, your votes would mean nada. 99% my ass.

[-] 2 points by jaktober (286) from Sonoma, CA 13 years ago

Where do you think corporations get their money?