Forum Post: Occupy the J and D courts
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 17, 2011, 1:48 p.m. EST by sickntired
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I think it would be a good thing to occupy the courts that routinely destroy single familys and ignored the 14th amendement (right to due process) when the discrimintaly take away a mans children and property. I think it is a perfect exampleof how THEY think they own us and have the right to do as THEY choose with our children. If you have never been thru a costody case. First the lawyers are exploit the huge innefficiencies in the legal system to milk the family of all there worth then the court tells the family when each individual gets to see there children. What holidays you will celebrate. They will then tell in 99 percent of the cases the father how much money they are going to take out of his pay check. I think a message needs to be sent to Uncle Sam and Big Brother to quit micromanaging every aspect of our lives. Instead of dictating the futures of our children spend that money to produce a system that is condusive to working together vs building anger and antimosity for profit. Occupy the court house