Forum Post: Occupy the Holidays
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 15, 2011, 6:32 a.m. EST by CapnZ
from Boulder, CO
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
The movement known as “Occupy Wall Street” has been rapidly spreading across the United States, illuminating the fact that a significant number of Americans are dissatisfied with our government’s stance on corporate “personhood” and the economic disaster that has resulted from corporate greed. The message is clear: If the United States government will not stand up for the needs of its people, we, the people, will. Corporate irresponsibility and our government’s willingness to continue to serve the greed of the wealthiest one percent of our population at the expense of the other ninety-nine percent is unacceptable.
While I believe that the message is starting to reach those who could make a change for the better, I doubt that occupying public places will do enough. We have to consider that the only way to get the attention of people who focus their attention on money is to start affecting their bottom line. Only when the profits begin to dwindle will they consider stepping up to the bargaining table.
That is why I propose another method of protest: I call it, “Occupy the Holidays”. It begins with “Ban Black Friday” and continues with, “Cancel Commercial Christmas”. I propose that we protest the commercialism of the holidays and make gifts for one another instead of purchasing things. Don’t go shopping on Black Friday. In fact, shop as little as possible. If you must shop, go to small, independently owned stores instead of big chains, and pay in cash. And by all means, do not buy gift cards. If you are scheduled to work on Black Friday, call out sick.
The effects of a large number of people “Occupying the Holidays” will be felt globally and will make our voices heard. Let the corporations and the government that serves them know that we too can speak with our money.