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Forum Post: Occupy The Hamptons

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 3, 2011, 6:02 a.m. EST by uberbestest (1)
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For serious if your going to protest the 1% go there.



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[-] 3 points by tycity (6) 13 years ago

We're in the middle of The Hamptons Film Festival. Susan Sarandon will be less than two buildings away from our assembly... There is a lot of potential for awareness tomorrow! Come to the Hamptons and show your support!!!

[-] 2 points by AnarchistDude (6) from Eastport, NY 13 years ago

Eastern, Long Island is the bedroom where the Wall Street fat cats sleep. They're all out here in the Hamptons while the protests are at Wall Street. If you want to have a revolution, you have to go where the Romanovs are!

[-] 1 points by tycity (6) 13 years ago

http://www.huffingtonpost.com/lita-smithmines/occupying-the-hamptons_b_1013157.html #occupythehamptons @occupyhamptons #ows #occupytogether

[-] 1 points by stephenlerner (1) 13 years ago

George Soros (631) 283-1027

550 Old Town Rd

Southampton, NY 11968-5086

[-] 1 points by CuttheBS (143) 13 years ago

except nobody parties in the Hamptons in October...

[-] 1 points by ArrestAllCEOS (115) 13 years ago

Good idea, can we go inside their homes?

[-] 1 points by AnarchistDude (6) from Eastport, NY 13 years ago

'Occupy the Hamptons' Set for Saturday http://southampton.patch.com/articles/occupy-the-hamptons-set-for-saturday

Patch.com - Unlike the protests on Wall Street, which have continued for weeks and include demonstrators camping overnight, the Occupy the Hamptons flyer says the event ...

[-] 1 points by AnarchistDude (6) from Eastport, NY 13 years ago


Organizers are planning a march on Tuesday that will visit the homes of JP Morgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon, billionaire David Koch, hedge fund honcho John Paulson, Howard Milstein, and News Corp CEO Rupert Murdoch.

The millionaires and billionaires are being targeted for what event organizers called a "willingness to hoard wealth at the expense of the 99%."

[-] 1 points by shny2000 (2) 13 years ago

Where's the march today?

[-] 1 points by shny2000 (2) 13 years ago

I live in Southampton. I support Occupy Wall Street. Please, come to the Hamptons. I, and many others here, will join you!!!

[-] 1 points by AnarchistDude (6) from Eastport, NY 13 years ago

Lead, then! Talk to your friends and get them posting.

[-] 1 points by AnarchistDude (6) from Eastport, NY 13 years ago

Huffington Post, March 21, 2009: "A busload of activists representing working- and middle-class families paid visits Saturday to the lavish homes of American International Group executives to protest the tens of millions of dollars in bonuses awarded by the struggling insurance company after it received a massive federal bailout."

And after that, the House passed the 90% tax on their bonuses. President Obama was all for it. Buildings are buildings. Homes are homes.

[-] 1 points by AngryCouch (5) 13 years ago

Why not occupy the Trump Building? Why not occupy the Bank of America building in NYC? I understand where you're coming from, but going to private homes is not the answer. That's just asking for more arrests when there are better methods abound.

[-] 1 points by Scout (729) 13 years ago

Brilliant! Find out where the banksters have homes and set up camp all around their various homes

[-] 0 points by stephenlerner (1) 13 years ago

Here is a good one-George Soros-You can get in easily by the boat ramp from the Atlantic (631) 283-1027

550 Old Town Rd

Southampton, NY 11968-5086

[-] 0 points by captaindoody (339) from Elizabethville, PA 13 years ago

Dude! But Obama goes to the hamptons and most of the people there are fellow travelers. Don't protest there.

[-] 1 points by tycity (6) 13 years ago

You have no idea how the working class has been diminished there from all the summer assholes that come out. It's imperative to try to get our villages back from these monsters. We have kids and are losing jobs left and right...