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Forum Post: Occupy the Economy

Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 2, 2011, 11:06 p.m. EST by ronesme (1) from Tampa, FL
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Although I watch them online every night, I have not joined an occupy protest in person. I drive by our small encampment in Tampa frequently and feel a pang of guilt when I read and hear their “why don’t you join us” pleas. I am the unseen 99%.

It seems to me that while I am not holding signs of protest I, and the rest of the unseen 99%, should be able to take decided economic actions in my everyday life. I would love to have guidance on this. When and specifically how do we start Occupying their Economy? If, in our ignorance, we continue to fund the 1%, how much change can be made? The switch to credit unions was a wonderful start, but how do we grow our community/local economy and starve the master’s?

I think taking action that includes creating cooperatives, intentional communities, and networked economies (as opposed to the 1% controlled), needs to be a real part of this conversation. I would love to hear any feedback.

If you are from Tampa and know where I can support real humans, rather than Ronald McDonald, the Waltons, and every other 1%er, I would love to hear your local feedback.

Ghandi did it, MLK did it, The Sons and Sisters of Liberty did it, lets Occupy the Economy.



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[-] 1 points by rickyh (7) 13 years ago

You post is one of support , for ows and we thank you. you mentioned Ghandi , MLK and The Sons and Sisters of Liberty, i see you do know what we stand for.

[-] 0 points by necropaulis (491) 13 years ago

Ghandi occupied nothing, neither did MLK. When you switch to credit unions, your still supporting "them". If you don't want to support "them", here's how. Buy into solar energy, take your house off grid, start growing your own food. think more independantly. If you remove yourself from the system-and you can, if you're willing to get your hands dirty(most Occupants don't)- there's a lot you can do.

[-] 1 points by ronesme (1) from Tampa, FL 13 years ago

They certainly occupied the economy, i.e. British textiles and buses. In fact these are two of the most successful occupations in history. Also, I do not think you necessarily have to remove yourself from the system. Co-operatives are not removed, but can be very successful in terms of their employees and their role in weakening the 1%.

[-] 0 points by necropaulis (491) 13 years ago

Did they sleep overnight multiple months in a public park, told to leave multiple times by the police and city because they just wanted the park cleaned up?? 1. MLK's "occupations" were speeches. They were one day, maybe two. 2 Ghandi also did speeches. 3 They were both doing it for civil rights. And both lead to riots, the death of hundreds of citizens, by citizens and authorities. You cannot "occupy" the economy. It is not physical space, nor is it a type of employment. Ghandi did boycotts. You can try to boycott whatever you want, but "99%" of the people outside of your tent communities will continue their lives.