Forum Post: Occupy the Democrat Party
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 14, 2011, 10:57 p.m. EST by haze2r1
from San Jose, CA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
OWS needs to end the corruption of the Democrat Party, just like Conservatives (not republicans there is a difference) is trying to do with the republican party. Destroying this Nation would end up in the Elite's hands and we all will be screwed for sure. All ESTABLISHMENT politicians have sold their souls for money, power and votes and feed their constituents lies and cover for one another. Big Labor and Big Business lobbyist are a cancer to a free Republic and the MORALESS politicins that accept the bribes abnd grant special laws and rules and favors to the few at the expense of all. Ask yourself why isn't bush in prison? Why isn't pelosi in prison for insider trading. Why isn't john boehner in prison for the same thing? Anarchy is not the American way and should never be an option. All Americans have been asleep and have failed to hold their representatives accountable for their indiscretions to the American people. The only real way to FIX this nation is to once again UNITE as American citizens and kick out all corrupt politicians.
Wall Street duopoly dollars have corrupted the two dominance parties beyond redemption.
I can't help but feel that efforts to get OWS people to participate in the Democratic Party are nothing more than the Democratic Party trying to co-opt OWS and neutralize it.
All political parties are canker ridden pustule oozing social diseases infesting the body politic of America. Especially the Democrats and Republicans.
Kill the two party system of corruption, Write-In alternative candidates. Its easy. It's free. The two parties cannot control it in any way.
Liberate American democracy: Write-In alternative political leaders who are not controlled by Wall Street duopoly dollars.
Agreed. Ive been trying to tell people this for a while now. We must unify on the position that government represents the 1% and put out ideas to regain our representation. People need to wake up and realize both parties are corrupt and represent those who fund their campaigns.
All I hear on this website is a bunch of hate speech. people need to be more rational and realize we are being screwed behind the scenes in Washington.
The human mean spirit and jealousy will devour this Nation into something NOBODY will be happy with in the end if this continues. There are very big powerful and hugely funded people that is going to take advantage of the stupidity and by the looks of it their dreams might make that happen. OWS will make sure the 47% will become beholden to the 1% if their plan succeeds then we will ALL be the 99% under a Dictator. I said it once and I will say it again Peace and Unity is what the corrupt government and wallstreet really FEAR.
Wont work. Occupy Aipac first...they already rule both parties, and almost all Usa politicians.
You know that slipped my mind, thanks for the reminder. Pay attention folks ideas are flowing
When I was a small boy, we had nothing. My dad was a blue collar guy with five sons and a stay at home mom. No credit cards, a running tab at the clinic, and a major medical insurance plan was all my folks had. We played in card board boxes and played in the dirt with tin cans, and a serving spoon pilfered from the silverware drawer. I lived in a neighborhood that most families were in the same boat. My dad always told me to never discuss politics or religion with your friend. My dad was a hardcore democrat, and most of his buddies were republicans, I learned many years later. Now here we sit in a pissing contest, demanding our fellow citizens ante up," their fair share". That seems so immoral to me. Whether a person has much or little, who gives a shit? I'm in my fifties and my best earnig years were 15 years ago. I make 25,000 a year, my wife makes less. We have a modest home in a modest neighborhood. We are happy! If I lose my healthcare tomorrow, so what! I'm dying soon just like everyone of us! Half the damn world owns 2 shirts, a pair of pants, and no shoes. I'm a rich bastard, and so are most of you. Occupy this, occupy that. Occupy your own mind, and be happy with that.
I myself grew up poor and had a few ideas and made lots of money but now I am poor again and I am not mad at anyone. I do want to have another idea come to life but all in due time. The lord givith and lord takith away..Good way to keep me honest
Get some candidates and run them in primaries. Even a close loss will scare a little of the corruption out of a politician for a while. With a few wins you're on your way to making real changes. You may dislike what they stand for but the tea party showed it's possible.
I initially supported the tea party, but they where quickly hijacked by the republican establishment. We are trying hard not to be hijacked by the democrats.
Partisan politics is a way of diverting/marginalizing movements.
They only way I'd even consider supporting a party political campaign was if Dennis Kucinich did a primary challenge against Obama, or a no-chance-of-wining-just-publicity-for-the-issues campaign like Roseanne Bar's.
In a system with only two main parties that's going to happen. But the tea party candidates became a problem for the republican establishment, they couldn't be controlled. There are subgroups within either party and if you elect people of principle it doesn't matter if they are listed under democrat or republican on the ballot. You fail when you give up. If your goal is something people will support then all you need is time and effort, build victory one representative and senator at a time.
The establishment media said so but that is far from the truth. Why don't republicans defend the Tea Party or Sarah Palin, because they know that either will expose them and put them put on their butts for being faithfull to the green backs and not Americans. America is tired of the corruption and both establishment parties are stirring up crap to keep themselves in power. OWS don't fall for the BS and know when Dictators from other oppressive nations support your movement it's time to take a step back and ask yourself why?
while i understand ur statement with being NON partisan, it's pretty obvious to alot of people that this movement is filled with people that are over liberalized. with that being said, i am also for a revolt and cleansing with our government. especially the ILLEGAL federal government. but,it must be realized that this country was founded on very very conservative views and guidelines. and rightfully so. if this government is overtaken by an over liberal movement it would be the complete end of the united states. and thus would come civil war. and i would definitely defend my and my families rights.
I don't see any reason for the federal government to exist. I never consented to its governance. And most people never have either. The US government is illegitimate and illegal.
Are you really that stupid??? Really??? Did you think anyone was waiting for you to consent???
The fedral government has specific functions in the Constitution and should be followed exactly. The moraless politicians on both sides have grown the government beyond it's function to enslave it's citizens for their own personal use. They claim health care is to expensive for millions of Americans yet the Federal government doesn't allow company's to compete for customers accross state lines, WHY? They don't stop frivilous law suits that make healthcare even more expensive and force Dr's to buy an outrageously expensive insurance. Why? simple corruption
We are working hard to protest democrats as well as republicans.
I agree with most of the things you said.
I have a reservation though. Unions are one of the only countervailing forces against corporate power. We need to support them. The problem with many unions is that they to have been bought-out. Union leaders in suits sit down to fancy dinners w/ corporate bosses and make deals with each other. They became a part of the corporate establishment. Unions need to be MORE powerful and MORE aggressive about fighting for working people---- not less.
That is a farce and the Unions have turned into a political party. They lie cheat and steal from the workers to advance their own special interest. I believe unions are needed because there has to be protection from corrupt Corporations and ruthless self serving management, but when the unions lack morals they turn into what they are today. They need to be the cops for the working man not become part of the problem.
Union members are financing their own demise
Clinton, Obama, and the Democrats in congress receive funds from all the unions. This isn't a secret. Do the union members need a book to explain that NAFTA and all the trade deals that shrink jobs for unions and everybody else. Obama promised to change NAFTA at the beginning of his campaign but reneged on that too.
Are Americans all ignorant or are they in a trance? Nobody is this dumb. Its the TRANCE - TRANCE - TRANCE - TRANCE - TRANCE.
The unions are blowing the members' money by giving it to Democrats. When are you going to protest that?
"Bribery is misguided," said Senator Menendez BRIBES - BRIBES - BRIBES - BRIBES - BRIBES - BRIBES
Menendez wants shareholders to see how much money the management is using to bribe Obama and congress. The institutional shareholders who control corporations are part of the privileged who will let the management pay as much for bribes as they see fit. The problem is the Supreme Court decided unlimited bribes by corporate management is fine. Menedez isn't pursuing any criminal complaints against the Supreme Court for their decision to shield corporate crooks. That's no different than Joe Paterno deciding not to report Sandusky to law enforcement. McQueary is caught in his lie that he contacted law enforcement about the incident he saw Sandusky raping a kid. These are insane, irrational, disgusting decisions by all those people. They all committed crimes and need to be arrested.
I'm delighted to expose all of these criminals. That's the job of SCREWED AGAIN.
They bribe both parties depends who is in charge at the time. Do not be blind to that fact that nothing happens to either party memebers regardless who is in chatge. THROW THEM ALL OUT....
I tried to post a new thread to draft Colbert but I don't see it. What happened? Its the post below on this thread.
you need to check the history with unions. they were created and have always been the ones who "sit down" and strike deals with big corps. it's nothing new. though it is worse now,it has always been what they were created for. in history when they were created, there were no labor rights,minimum wage, etc. now that it has all been created, are unions really necessary ? are they doing more good than harm ? i think NOT.
We need wildcat strikes and radical unions that are accountable to their members and not bought-out establishment unions. Working people organizing together and using their collective power against the rule of plutocrats is the single most powerful force for justice in the world today.
What is truly needed is more support for and participation in unions, and international cooperation between unions. A global general strike can stop all of the elites of every nation on earth in their tracks.
If we rise up as one, the working people of the world are superpower mightier than each state on the UN Security Council combined.
Globalizing America is why we are in the pooper rigth now, and you want to bring in different countries to oversee our Nation? tell me where that makes sense? Many countries hate us because we are prosperous and free and give their people hope for freedom or have a place to run to. That has been underminded by the corruption lately but it's not about the money. Our founding fathers faught the corruption of british royalty for their freedom. Sadly other nations need to step up and do the same for themselves we can not do it for them because they will not appreciate it and hold it dear as we do.
If not to strike deals with big corps, what purpose do unions serve?? The only power they have is to collectively bargain for fairer wages, benefits, and working conditions. If they're not "striking deals" with anyone, they're not really a union. You do have to compromise for something eventually.
Unions? really?
you mean like the union Obama gave GM to? the company that was owned by blue chip stock holders? the little guys trying to earn an extra dime?
Hear, hear!
The Formula to WIN!!!!
It's a shame that Hillary Clinton gets clumped in with Barack Obama. Hillary Clinton was kicked to the curb by George Soros in 2007-2008 because she had a backbone.
Hillary Clinton still came up with 50% of the popular vote against Obama even though two of the largest states Michigan and Florida's votes were not counted because they moved up their primary dates.
Yet Illinois moved up their primary date SEVEN WEEKS to the beginning of February, and that was not questioned by the democratic higher ups.
Michael Moore said NOTHING about his own state's votes not counting.
Occupying the Democrat Party is not a bad idea, but there's only so much you can accomplish standing and marching around the convention center. Real "Occupation" means getting signatures on nominating petitions and fielding an intelligent, persuasive candidate who can call them out on all the crooked little things they've let go on - like Colcrys taking over a monopoly on a 200-year old drug, or the ASHRAE plan to make "green buildings" by forcing them all to increase their airflow and pour more heat out into the environment.
George Washington: "Let me now take a more comprehensive view, & warn you in the most solemn manner against the baneful effects of the Spirit of Party, generally."
"They serve to Organize faction, to give it an artificial and extraordinary force--to put in the place of the delegated will of the Nation, the will of a party; often a small but artful and enterprizing minority of the Community; and, according to the alternate triumphs of different parties, to make the public Administration the Mirror of the ill concerted and incongruous projects of faction, rather than the Organ of consistent and wholesome plans digested by common councils and modefied by mutual interests. However combinations or Associations of the above description may now & then answer popular ends, they are likely, in the course of time and things, to become potent engines, by which cunning, ambitious and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the Power of the People, & to usurp for themselves the reins of Government; destroying afterwards the very engines which have lifted them to unjust dominion.
I have already intimated to you the danger of Parties in the State, with particular reference to the founding of them on Geographical discriminations. Let me now take a more comprehensive view, & warn you in the most solemn manner against the baneful effects of the Spirit of Party, generally."
That Democrats and Republicans are canker ridden pustule oozing social diseases on the body politic of America. Let the die. Help them to die.
Don't prop them up. Abandon them.
Register Independent. Use registration strategically not as a loyalist to any one set of values but as a tool of political free speech. What the First Amendment is all about.Creative application of political free speech is the ONLY way to overcome the massive subversion of America's democracy put into place on the state level by the Democrats and Republicans, in collusion to prevent anyone but their corrupt selves from gaining access to American democracy.
Ballot access rules in the states make it impossible for people with new ideas independent of the two parties to get on the ballot. The two parties will never change this for the better so we need to abandon their model and create a new way of participating in the primary and general elections.
Strategic registration means that, in the primary, you register into whichever party has a candidate who truly reflects and respects your values so tht you can support them early. Conversely, if one of the parties has a strong candidate who scares the shit out of you you can register in that party to vote against that creep in their own primary.
Register INDEPENDENT for the general election. The twp parties fear Independents. Independents are the fastest growing political grouping in America. The Republicans and Democrats cannot predict how we think and they cannot control how we vote. This scares the fuck out of the two dominance parties. It returns the ballot power back to We the People outside the subversive controls put into place the the two parties.
Use ballot Write-In creatively for candidates and issues that can't raise the money to get ballot access. This single tool can effectively neutral all of Wall Street's corrupt money and do so without the need for us to go to the Democrats and Republicans to beg them to respect us.
Often, when I know that none of the candidates will ever reflect or respect my social justice values, I will Write-in a statement of principle like: "End the Drug War". If OWS, on a national level, organized to Write-in "NONE OF THE ABOVE" or simply OWS in one campaign in each state it would change the face of American democracy, forever.
@ ahhpat: Very well put and an effective way to help stop the corruption. Thank You for your post.
We can liberate American democracy from the corruption of Wall Street's billions$.
Its free and its easy.
Don't ya love those old coocs. Morality and Virtue is what we need and those old farts are timeless.
As an old fart I do tend to think of myself as timeless.
The more things change the more they stay deranged.
good one....hahahaha
Frequent misspellings. Religious-themed nonsense in comments. Revisionist history of forefathers. Blatant attack on democrats only..
Yeah, this is definitely a conservative troll.
yes you are correct TL and old school conservative JFK Democrat not a progressive communist trying to destroy this nation. There is nothing wrong with ending the corruption on Capitol Hill by being UNITED as one. But you can label and name call and put down any effort to offer solutions, because clearly your way is working out fantastic........Americans supported you until you chose chaos above peace and socialism/communism above FREEDOM. Keep your hatred and revolt and watch how we will all suffer under total tyranny
If you look at the forms, neither Boehner or Pelosi are clearly guilty of anything. I hate to sound like a pro-establishment crony, because I strongly support OWS, but when I looked up the forms on , it wasn't as bad as they made it out to be on 60 minutes.
a friend of mine once stole a wallet from the mall and spent 3 days in jail, for a wallet. TARP and STIMULUS stole hundreds of billions from hard working Americans and nobody knows where the money went and no one is held repsonsible. Like MLK said "injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere"
So you're just moving the target to something else?? Even 10 minutes of research into their forms shows what was claimed on 60 minutes was grossly exaggerated for sensationalist effect. The stimulus money is tracked by the way. At least, the money that has been spent so far. It's on and please don't reply with a bunch of conspiracy theories because if a website with a map identifying all the recipients across the country, with the amount spent isn't good enough for you, then I just don't care for your opinion.
Dude enough with excuses and hate. I get it and you don't like my point of view and I am fine with it. Offer something that can unite the nation against corruption and keep our freedom. If i like what you offer i'll support you if not i'll just move along till someone comes up with it. I know people are mad and some want to lash out, but that will put all Americans in danger. Plus that will give confidence to dictators and give them the chance to stick it to us good and that I can not support.
haze, Come out of the haze. it's already happened. I do whole heartedly agree we legally charge ANY politician with behavior the rest of us would be smacked down for. My question for you is, why the cold war rhetoric. I'm not being a smart ass, but did you have to jump under your desk as a kid? I did. The Soviet Union is no more. Our biggest national security issue is the corporate take over of our elected officials. The officials who are bought and paid for. Why doesn't this disgust you as an American? Shouldn't your vote actually count for anything???
Oh my god, someone who makes sense. You better leave now before they brainwash you into thinking that you deserve everything handed to you. thing you can do is go to the democrat convention, and raise holy hell. Disrupt, destroy, burn, get arrested and most of all...crap in buckets. Show the world what liberals stand for.
No, I disagree with any violence or degrading any American. That is not what will solve the problem and for sure make it worse. I will say again UNITY in peace always strikes fear in the corrupt politicians.
The Democ-rat Party is a rat hole, and it should be infested by OWSers. The speaking end of bung hole is the oral orifice of Nancy Pelosi, who voices the vapidity of the avalorous voles, vermin, and victims who volunteer to vote for party.