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Forum Post: Occupy the Courts

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 4, 2011, 7:10 a.m. EST by rcwjmw (1)
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Just wondering if there are plans to join with the Occupy the Courts push that Move to Ammend is organizing




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[-] 1 points by Krashkopf (1) 13 years ago

I am. The Move to Amend guy has been to Occupy Denver a couple of Saturdays and it sounds like they are not backing down on the need to amend the Constitution so it says "Corporations are not people" and "money is not speech." The amendment that the Democrats introduced in the Senate last week is total B.S. because it doesn't end Corporate personhood. I think Move to Amend and Occupy are seeing the same problem, and I like their solution.

[-] 1 points by rcwjmw (1) 13 years ago

I am talking about protesting the ruling that corporations are people and that money is speech. Is that not one of the principals at the core of the entire Occupy movement? Did you actual check out the site in the link or just decide to post without knowing what was being referenced?

[-] 1 points by lomtevas (12) 13 years ago

Let's not forget that the court system in the state of New York marches to the beat of the legislature in Albany as well as Congress in Washington, D.C. Federal law has been written over the past 20 years to allow for fast legal process often to the disadvantage of the intended loser.

For example, federal law presumes all veterans to be inherently violent. So the fed pays an enhanced money amount to the states to form special protective organizations to enhance the prosecutions of veterans. This is evident in domestic violence court where there is a presumption of violence against the veteran which calls for special procedures to "protect" the wife and children - which always works to alienate a veteran's children from him.

The same approach appears in child support, international child abductions, parental kidnappings and divorces. If the parent is taught how to manipulate the system, that parent will be rewarded handsomely and the loser will be financially and emotionally ruined.

What I am suggesting is that prior to marching on the courts, evaluate the effect of federal and state legislation first and understand that the courts these days are crafted, staffed and bound to follow these cockamamie laws.

[-] 0 points by KennSpace (9) 13 years ago

Dear Human Being,

There is something going on. – I am going to be a part of it.

I have helped organize and promote protests in Bellevue, Olympia and Seattle; another big one is coming. I feel it will be a “WTO” sized protest in multiple cities. I will be helping to advertise and promote it.

I was at the WTO protests in Seattle when a bunch of “anarchists” started busting windows with crowbars. We surrounded them, and they got in a circle with their crowbars. I tried to get the Seattle police to come arrest these people that were thirty feet away and threatening violence and breaking windows… The Seattle police would not budge from their “police line”, making all of us the enemy. I am not the enemy, but I will be in Seattle at 700 Stewart street at the Federal couthouse January 20th, 2012!!!

The Corporate Occupation of the United States

Our corporate controlled government (through corporate lobbying and election funding ) is out of the peoples control. People want government control back. Makes sense to me… I feel US corporate capitalism (corporatism) is a type of economic fascism: To have a corporate being where the chain of command eventually muddles all responsibility to any human being. These corporate beings are running your life, and controlling your government. (Enough to really make an individual mad and protest.) The corporate being does not exist, and when it comes to face it’s corporate responsibility, it is a piece of paper. That is plain and simply wrong. Restore capitalism to individual responsible chains of command, or this struggle will be lost. (This also includes corporate lobbying and corporate election funding, being outlawed; and a new form closer to individual control is established.)

Please Sign the petition to amend the Constitution for revoking corporate personhood at:


(I feel this will be a bigger day in history than WTO in Seattle – The battle continues, rage against the machine is real.)

January 20, 2012 – Move to Amend Occupies the Courts!

Move To Amend is planning bold action to mark this date — Occupy the Courts — a one day occupation on Friday January 20, 2012, of the Federal Courts, including the Supreme Court of the United States and as many of the 89 U.S. District Court Buildings as we can. Inspired by Dr. Cornell West, who was arrested on the steps of the Supreme Court last month, Move to Amend will lead the charge on the judiciary which created — and continues to expand — corporate personhood rights.


[-] 0 points by Jimboiam (812) 13 years ago

Yes lets drag out the court system so that violent people are not properly incarcerated, while the courts have teetered on the edge of shut down because of budgetary problems, and most courts have had to shed workers. Brilliant. Must be a plot to ensure the violent members of society are part of the movement.