Forum Post: Occupy the Chamber of Commerce
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 6, 2011, 1:32 a.m. EST by aeturnus
from Robbinsville, NC
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Did you know that Google has recently begun an investigation into itself, on behalf apparently of its own employee base, in a landmark decision that could determine whether or not they will remain a paying contributor to the largest lobbying group in the US, the US Chamber of Commerce?
The Chamber of Commerce is a front for the interests of the 1%. In 2009, it spent more corporate money on lobbying than the next five biggest spenders combined.
The Chamber of Commerce has called for a "scopes monkey trial" to assault the science of climate change.
The Chamber of Commerce has fought against discrimination laws.
It has been estimated that 93% of the Chamber of Commerce funding goes into providing public propaganda for corporate, right-wing ideals.
And now the Chamber of Commerce is behind the latest attack on the Internet through a law that will allow corporations to take down websites at their own discretion.
It is time we put the Chamber of Commerce out of business. Let's occupy it.
Yeah!!!! Nail those guys.
Deep sigh Not all businesses are associated with the Chamber of Commerce and I don't think the message is anti capitalism. Although, there are just enough dipshits here that will spin this.
Hell yeah.