Forum Post: Occupy The Capital!
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 17, 2011, 12:31 a.m. EST by weshalloccupy
from Sycamore, IL
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Why are we not Occupying Washing DC as A WHOLE? I'm aware that there are Occupy Movements all over the world, but Civil Rights had a March on Washington and something was done about it; something changed!!! I think that the people that can afford or are able to go to Washington DC should take a stand! We should represent the ones that are struggling due to the Government!! There are transportation services that would probably be in favor of this entire movement and could get people from one place to another! If we can Occupy the nation, we should be able to Occupy the Nation's Capital: "The Machine", Together!
Occupy the FED!!!!!!!
If tents must go, organize marches every Saturday in every city. More people can come out on wekeknds - the numbers would ee enormous. Go, OWS! Don't be denied.
The occupation of the Capitol is possible through dogged determination and perseverance.
Become a a political force with 99% of the nation behind you!
By this I mean... become a political entity that cannot be denied or ignored. OCCUPY THE VOTE!!
please explain how it's done
I tend to agree. Unless you show up at the capital in huge numbers you are wasting time.
There already is an Occupy DC. And there already are Marchers on their way to DC, making the 300 mile trek on foot. We're way ahead of you.