Forum Post: Occupy The Boehner
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 22, 2011, 10:52 a.m. EST by ZenDogTroll
from South Burlington, VT
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
That's right. Occupy John Boehner
Occupy the Boner
Occupy the Bone Head
Just imaging the creative artistry that could be put on display right outside his offices, in DC, his Home District, and even his own House!
Dick Head Hats For Everyone!
Make of that fool a mockery and a humiliation before the very people who elected him.
Run that fuck right out of town.
. . . . and it's clickable . . .
- z
New Boner Quote:
- `"...why not do the right thing for the American people - even though it's not exactly what we want?"
- z
Politicians do things to secure votes. OWS doesn't have much ability to change things if they don't want to recruit people to vote. Embarrass him all you want, it may work or his constituents may actually end up sympathizing with.
Doesn't matter. It's a social tradition called Charivari.
You must mean that in the more original sense of the word, not it's celebratory meaning. Even there my original comment holds. It doesn't work well if the community doesn't actually disapprove. We get so used to talking among ourselves that we start to think everyone agrees. Conservatives get elected from conservative communities though.
A charivari is an event which says: what you do is not acceptable by our moral standards, we dispise you for beating your wife whatever...
Yes I know, that's the original meaning of it. The term has also been applied in some parts of the country to refer to a sort of playful hazing of a newly wed couple.
Under your meaning it still comes back to my original point, it doesn't do much good if most of the community believes the politician is doing a good job for them. You don't find him moral, I may agree, we come in on a bus as outsiders and demonstrate. Maybe we attract a few opportunistic people from the opposition party. If a majority of his constituents disagree with us, or worse if they are offended by the method of the demonstration, then your action only cements him in place in their mind.
I would bet that all depends on how articulate they are in mocking his policy positions.
I mean, common.
Boner - tax cuts for middle class are "chiicken shit"
Boehner Cites Cow Farts To Downplay Global Warming -Video
It might, depends on who orchestrates things and how much they study the constituents. Too often demonstrators do what pleases them and alienate people, pleasing only themselves.
The Gingrich video I saw on here through someone's post is a good example. One demonstrator looked wild and crazy the other two came off as rude, and I don't care for Gingrich.
the crazies are out there.
I know
I am one.
But you do make a very valid point.
You may sway some people, but it's difficult to put a group together and then hope that as a mob they will be articulate.
Oh I dunno - the mic.checking seems to be going fairly well.
You can get a group to parrot one person, but demonstrations tend to be dynamic. Just an observation from a few union pickets I participated in. If there isn't a great deal of discipline individuals tend to let their adrenaline or the thrill of the moment get the better of them.
Mocking with one person leading a chorus is one thing, shouting independent insults is what i was thinking of when I mentioned it getting out of hand. Just my own experience, people often start trying to outdo each other.
What is interesting is the mic.check thing. It gets a crowd echoing the slogans of one person.
I've tried it with one of my own slogans -
Talk about exhilerating!
It was almost like you could feel the foundations of City Hall tremble when we all shouted that in unison.
That exhilaration is what I'm talking about. Others feel it and try to get it for them self and things can escalate to where you offend more people then you win. It just depends on what you want out of the action. If you want to win over people you need a disciplined group.
I think the Squidding thing demonstrates that discipline and organization is not at all beyond this Movement.
Perhaps, I'd like to see some discipline for long term goals though. My approach to all this doesn't mesh with OWS very well. I'd been hoping for OWS to change government from within.
That would be a slow process.
Much faster to agitate from without, create pressure, and so produce change from within in response to that pressure.
It does seem to be having an affect.
There are those who are already in, like Senator Sanders, who have been waiting a long time for just this day. I'm sure they knew at some point the public would say enough
Well here we are.
the repelican party is DONE
Success then depends on the size of the agitating group. More attention also needs to be paid to how OWS looks to those outside it, if it wishes to grow. If it stays a small group there isn't much pressure that can be applied.
I'm not sure I'd look at Sanders as much of an accomplishment. Few probably know very much about him. He describes himself as socialist and that scares too many people.
I'm sure he does scare people.
He was one of a handful behind Congressional efforts to get to the bottom of Gulf War Syndrome. They succeeded.
And you can see from the few links below that the establishment as a whole is responding - in different ways depending on ideology and political commitment:
Sanders Proposed Constitutional Amendment:
Sanders Petition here:
Rep. Deutch's amendment discussed here:
and you can read repelican reaction here.
the repelican party is DONE
it's a boner banner
the repelican party is done
This is why we are here this is why you are needed.
Share, circulate, educate, inspire.
it's another nail in the repelican coffin.
Excellent movie.
Now personally I don't Boehner. But I'm not about to judge those who do Boehner. I just hope that those who are doing Boehner, are practicing safe Boehner. I mean there are already enough nasty and deadly diseases in the world today we don't need to see any knew ones cropping up because of practicing UN-safe Boehner.
This has been a message from your national health & safety council.
Giant condoms assembled outside his offices . . .
In his own neighborhood . . .
With some nondescript brown stuff smeared on them.
Agreed. Sadly, I have no Christmas spirit for that guy.
I do include him in my Christmas spirit. He gets to be the grinch who stole Christmas.
It should be really easy to make a complete mockery of the man, based on his own words and advocacy - not to mention his name.
All it will take is bodies - and a few really creative artists.
For creative artwork, someone should use a picture of him during one of his famous crying jags, continue his forehead up to complete the phallic symbol have a little cum rolling down his forehead.
And use a caption like :
"I'm doing whats right for the corporate int.......I mean public interest".
I mean he is such an easy target.
Another could show him and his rep buddies standing bent over in a circle Dick-head to butt. Caption reading:
" Getting in some practice during session recess. Reps hard at work."
Another could be a close-up of his face during a crying jag.
Is this a sensitive man or is he really secretly horrified by his own statements and inaction?
he is a nimrod
how about giant condoms with signage that says:
Well perhaps to make it more clear to the idiots out there. There should be something stating that we don't approve of being screwed but if you are going to do it to us anyway you should use a condom, so we brought you some.
And then maybe : If your at least somewhat humane perhaps you could supply your own KY-jel.
stop, you're wiggin me out!
Sorry just trying to reach out to any remnant of Humane spirit that might not have died yet.
So easy to get carried away.
My Bad.
I would be really easy to generate artistry that really does borderline the pornographic, the obscene, and with large enough numbers even though he has solid support at home, I think it would turn them away.
Has to take place in his own district though.
Next summer is going to be insane
Yes as the Chinese curse goes.
( not directed at you or anyone as I'm not like that )
"May you live in interesting times."
Unfortunately we are living in interesting times.
well these days certainly are
I have plenty of bah humbug for that sumbiyatch
the repelican party is DONE
dual posts . . .
I like your site ZD
well thanks.
aaaaaaaaand there you guys go again making fun of someones name. mature. you guys wonder why people question your credibility.
that sunovabitch stood before Congress claiming he represented the will of the people in the budget debate - no new taxes, when even some repelicans admitted ending the bushite tax breaks were not new taxes - and over 78% of the people wanted the budget issue resolved -
that fuck and his tea party engaged in brinkmanship
tanking jobs numbers and wall street reports as well.
all in the name of the upcoming election.
he's lucky I'm just making fun of his name.
I hate repelicans
I just hate the lying bastards
I fuking hate them
Count me in. The Boner needs a one way ticket out of Washington DC!!!*
The Repugnant Party is finally living up to it's name: Repugnant
they are unbelievable, aren't they?
Exactly, Repugnant to the Bone!
Attention grabbing ! and true !
run em outa town I say.
the fuckers
Latest Boehner Quote:
i like that guy i dunno what it is about him but a willingness to be himself. i respect that. but i'd definitely punch him, or any other celebrity, got in arms reach.
thats the fun of life!
'e's a bone head
the repelican party is DONE!
i'd punch a pelican too, when it comes down to it. any waterfowl. i will punch them in they bill and roast them on my neighbor's barbecue
boner reminds me very much of a man who suspects you took his daughter's virginity but cannot prove it, so he just acts like a douche whenever you come over.
'e's a bonehead
Based on the minutes I've seen, half of OWS folks have scabies and need to rely on volunteers to do their laundry because they can't be trusted with $10 to do their own.Welcome to the (mommy does my laundry and gives me toothpaste, and buys my underware) revolution!!
Just review the "Comfort" WG and "Housing" WG minutes. So why are we spending money, donated for the cause, to do laundry?? Scabies? Gees, just freakin wash yourself!!
that is excellent advice, and I hope to see you following it asap.
the repelican party is DONE
the fucking scumbags
You forgot about Cantor.
No I didn't - honest. You can find proof right here
The problem I'm having is in finding some economical bastardization of the name:
Good. He bothers me more than Boehner. I think it's his smirk!
Boner is an easy target - from my perspective.
But I think you are absolutely right Cant.or- he is slick. And persistent.
Count me in. The Boner needs a one way ticket out of Washington DC!!!
the repelican party is DONE
the fucking scumbags
Boehner wants to extend a tax break for the middle class by taxing the middle class to pay for it. That's what you call Republican logic.
That's about it, isn't it. the fuckers
and that's repelican
He ain't nothin but a hound dog
he is indeed.
To be this (R)epelant among (R)epelicans, is repelling indeed!
Is there a bigger lush in Washington?
Is he a drunk? I've thought so myself - but that's based only on the skin color of his face and his watery eyes - never been near enough to smell him. I can smell alcohol really well.
It wouldn't surprise me.
the lying bastard
Was there ever any doubt?
Hangs out at the country club.
He drinks to help bring on the tears too.
Like a bad actor. He needs a method.
Like the original (R)epelican bad actor (R)eagan.
Like (R)eagan, he doesn't have the good of the Country at heart, it's just in his act.
If he really is a drinker he should be really easy to manipulate.
That kinda shows too, doesn't it?
The teabagge(r)s have him by the balls, and he's too drunk to care.
I don't see him on tv often enough to be certain about the alcohol part - but the tea party has made a mess of the repelican party.
That was a huge embarrassment right before Christmas when the tea party insisted the Senate return to DC.
the fools
It's all about the act.
Most real government happens in Wallstreet endorsed lobbies.
Why did you think the Health Care Act took so long and little else in Washington got done for those 18 months?
The (R)epelicans like to throw that in our face, but that's what was going down.
They just put on the act.
I wonder how many of them have a publicist, and took acting lessons.
If you follow the timeline of the NDAA and the various debates around it, found here I think it indicates that at least some legislating does in fact get done in chamber.
I didn't follow the healthcare debate very closely - insurance details make my mind go numb . . .
You have boner on the mind, maybe the mouth too.
thanks for the props
Great post deserving of attention. Again.
That man does say the most amazing things . . . .
: /
We are just at a bump in the road.
We keep it up and we will become a huge yawning chasm into which the repelican party can disappear . . .
I'm all for that.
You can Raul if You Want To
Anon - Just For Fun
the repelican party is DONE
The word BONER got GirlFriday's lonely attention. "BONER,,, WHERE,,, havent had one in years,, I want one.."
Boner. He is so tan that his brain is fried. He is so pathetic that he embarrassed himself crying everywhere. Boner is an award winning loser.
he's a dickhead scumbag.
the repelican party is DONE
You're right. I knew that from the first Bill Maher show.
I keep saying it's a completely natural process -
of their own behavior and advocacy.
I do believe we can capitalize on this natural process, hasten its course, and so shape the agenda of the next . . . three Congressional sessions, more or less.
The Dem campaigner with another great post
I don't belong to either party.
Nor do I receive income from either party or any of their affiliates. Too bad too, because I hear I could be living fairly well that way.
Boner's a scumbag.
You can't refute his own statements
Boner is a scumbag, they all are. You are just keeping the status quo going.
Thanks for nothing.
How do you figure that?
Take each member of Congress, one by one, and examine their positions.
Boner has vulnerabilities that can quickly be capitalized on - right now
How is that supporting the status quo?
You're playing THEIR game...
I am?
or you are
if you aren't ready to see Boner hit the road, then you are a relican hack, acting in service to the one percent
Im ready to see ALL OR THEM hit the road.
So you tell me who wants the bigger change?
all OF them, you mean?
well great! Lets start with this one.
Does that mean you want the whack job Piglosi back again????? what a dumb skank she is
the repelican party is DONE
You can Raul if You Want To
Anon - Just For Fun
the repelican party is DONE
Zendog, you are such an A$$ and infantile. Grow up.
well thanks.
I'll take that as a compliment.
zendog , it wasn't meant as one.
yeah -
I think I was aware of that
I don't mind.
You know what that is, right?
It's called
Like I said,
thanks again
Joined Dec. 22, 2011