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Forum Post: Occupy the 1%....multinationally

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 14, 2011, 11:36 p.m. EST by yoda (1)
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Please review the list above of the 20 richest corporations and occupy them. this needs to be a world wide movement as these "wall streeters" are multinational. Occupy their businesses their headquaters their private residences etc. We need people to contact their people in other parts of the world to start this movement as an international threat to global capitalism. Only then will they listen. Some of these companies come from China, the Netherlands, France, Russia, brazil, Russia, Germany...these are all places that we can expect large protests, large boycotts, and large retaliation. Bring it.



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[-] 1 points by JazzBenson (7) from Los Angeles, CA 13 years ago

To have success our efforts should be focused on one capitalist company. If we can bring one company to its knees then finally we get taken seriously. My preference would be Goldman Sachs - about as evil a company as there is and partly responsible for the current financial mess and still raking in the money and paying out multi-million dollar bonuses. Not only should we "occupy" them, we should all sell their shares (those who have them), boycott products they have investments in and ...

[-] 1 points by yoda (1) 13 years ago
