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Forum Post: Occupy Talk Radio

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 15, 2011, 8:58 p.m. EST by cannonball6 (2)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

i believe that we can only preach to the choir for so long before it starts to become damaging. We need to engage each other......even the people who are furiously opposed to what this is all about and the people who hate this with a passion. Talk Radio is a large culprit of misinformation that spreads rhetoric void of substance.......but fortunately it is a medium that is accessible to anybody who calls......we need to take this into another direction and start directly engaging them on their platform........we need a consistent cycle of random callers flooding the phone lines of talk radio (even fibbing to the screen-er if it means you'll get on, cause eventually they'll catch on) . We need to engage them on their platform with an easy coherent message that is NOT full of belligerence ....we need to start making ripples in the pond of thought with the side that hates us. we can't out hate the right so it is useless to try but we can use calm reasoning to show the listeners that difference between rhetoric and substance.........we can disagree on policy but that doesn't make me less of an American or it doesn't mean that "liberals have a mental disorder", which is the kind of venom that is being tossed into the brains of the listeners............please if anybody agrees with this and wants to help comment back! if you don't agree and you only offer criticism on how its wrong DON'T COMMENT. this is bigger than your personal opinion



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[-] 1 points by scumgohome (8) 13 years ago

Here's your chance OWS: http://occupywallst.org/forum/talk-radio-show-invites-ows/

The invite is there. Come, Occupy my show. First Amendment in Action.

[-] -1 points by StopOWS (50) 13 years ago

By Talk Radio, I'm guessing you mean Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Mark Levin and the likes.

So you want to censor them, is that right? And you don't want any comments if they aren't in line with yours? So actually, you are doing exactly what you are accusing Talk Radio of doing, giving ONE side of the argument. Figures.

Anyway, did you see any lamestream news on Obama's delaying of the Canadian Keystone Oil pipeline? No, you only saw news about how Obama wants the 'jobs' bill passed. That he wants to create jobs. The jobs bill is another slush fund for Democraps to get reelected, like the first TWO. Where did that money go?

Talk Radio gave you the news about the pipeline and how it would have created tens of thousands of jobs. There is no environmental issues here, there are pipelines all over the country now with no problems.

This would have given us a big increase in oil that is NOT from the middle east. And lots of jobs and industries. Now those jobs are going to China because Canada is going to sell it's oil to someone if we don't take it.

Thank God we have Talk Radio and a few news sources that actually give us news that isn't fed through the Obama machine.

Wake up you fool, Obama is not for America. He has shown this over and over. For whatever his reasons, he's tyrying to destroy this country. An idiot can see that by the things he does.

[-] 2 points by shoozTroll (17632) 13 years ago


[-] 1 points by cannonball6 (2) 13 years ago

but you obviously have nothing better to do with your life than insult people who you don't agree with and scan forums and websites to pick fights........

[-] 1 points by cannonball6 (2) 13 years ago

hey MORON...........show me where i said censor????? did i say censor??????? was i talking about censoring talk radio?????????? or was i just saying how people can disagree and be CIVIL......you immediately hurled shit my direction with out even understanding what it is i'm talking about........they have right to be on the radio but they obfuscate the issues and make discussions impossible to have because people like you regurgitate the filth they feed you.........i like your line... "and you don't want any comments if they aren't in line with yours?" hahahahahaha there are so many insults in your response...u must of learned to debate from the pros