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Forum Post: Occupy Something Else

Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 4, 2011, 1:16 a.m. EST by malbright335 (0)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Occupy the lives of your children, occupy craigslist (plenty of jobs there), occupy a pen and paper, occupy your own homes, occupy the bottom of a river, but get the fuck out of my city. All you do is bitch about the 1%, well work on becoming one. Fuck all of you. I tried to give you the benefit of the doubt, but all i get is a bunch of overdosing, drug addicts, who create a mess of the city. Fuck you! Without the 1% you wouldn't be able to do this. Without the separation in upper and lower classes, there would be no strive for greatness. The government owes you nothing. Take care of your own out of control lives. I'm part of the 99% and I love it. Why? Cause I live in a country that if I put in the work and can become the 1%. I can solve the unemployment....you all move to North Korea. Less stupid people, more jobs. Done. I applaud your attempt at a "revolution" but give it up, and stop fucking up Portland.



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[-] 5 points by whoispetehowe (6) from Spencer, IA 13 years ago

If you're quite capable of "putting in the work and becoming the 1%," what's stopping you? Wasting time trolling the internet? You proudly boast that you're "part of the 99%," but you advocate income disparity? Before you continue rambling on like a disillusioned fool, may I suggest educating yourself about the movement? You clearly lack an understanding of the principals the demonstrators are advocating, so you've compensated by forming blatantly narrow-minded stereotypes of the protesters and a really unhealthy attitude concerning your fellow citizen. Perhaps this link will illustrate the increasing disparity between the social classes in a way you might be able to understand: [http://www.economist.com/blogs/dailychart/2011/10/income-inequality-america] Or is it a matter of your having drunk too much of the "American Dream Kool-Aid?" Even if there are "plenty of jobs" on sites like Craigslist, you are deliberately ignoring the larger issue. How many of those low-wage jobs offered on Craigslist would you have to work to enter the 1% tax bracket, as you indicate you are quite capable of doing? It's a blatant issue of fairness. In fact, perhaps you fail to understand that jobs in the 1% sector are mostly held by (GUESS WHO?) the children of those already employed by the corporation! [http://www.theatlanticwire.com/business/2011/11/68-sons-1-work-their-dads-company/45115/] So, in short, maybe instead of dismissing a rapidly expanding, truly democratic movement based on the actions of, err, TWO people [http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2011/11/second-drug-overdose-in-as-many-days-at-occupy-portland-squatters-camp/] and your own short-sighted, uninformed American prophecy, you should educate yourself with the principals and grievances represented by the protesters.

[-] 4 points by OccupyCentre (263) 13 years ago

@malbright335. It is a pity that people like you try to stuff it up for the rest of us. There will always be turncoats like you, who will do anything to curry favor with the establishment. I often think of Anna Frank. The little girl was betrayed by people like yourself, who wanted to impress the authorities.

[+] -4 points by necropaulis (491) 13 years ago

It's Anne Frank, dumbass. And being persecuted, having your stuff destroyed while your family has to hide in an attic, lest they be killed in a horrible manner has nothing to do with being broke. The Nazi's weren't trying to impress anyone. They were killing Jews weather(because a lot really didn't) they wanted to or not.

[-] 2 points by OccupyCentre (263) 13 years ago

I may be a dumbass, but I know a crawler when I see one. Even the authorities despise people like you. You would betray Anna Frank for sure.

[+] -4 points by chestRockwell (-4) 13 years ago

Anne Frank is fucking dead what the fuck are you talking about. What authorities this is not fucking 1940's Europe. OWS is not even going to be mentioned in the history books so give it up. I am part of the so called 99% and I am tired of you fuckers saying your speaking for me. I don't need a bunch of dumbass college grads playing 1960's protesters speaking for me.

[-] 2 points by hamalmang (722) from Lebanon, PA 13 years ago

They are not speaking for you. You are welcome to do that for yourself. They are standing up for you whether you appreciate it or not.

[-] 1 points by OccupyCentre (263) 13 years ago

@hamalmang. :)

[-] 2 points by hamalmang (722) from Lebanon, PA 13 years ago

Why would a drug addict decide to go to a protest knowing full well that that is where the police are going to be? Wouldn't it make more sense for drug addicts to stay home where they can do their drugs comfortably and safely and watch tv or sleep in a bed? Could it be that your city just has a bunch of drug addicts already there roaming around everyday and it takes an occupation for you to recognize it?


[-] -3 points by necropaulis (491) 13 years ago

Because, this is where dealers go to sell drugs. There a re nothing but stupid college kids, and disillusioned adults who think like children. You could make bank. I'm not being sarcastic either. All they do is yell and party. What do you think fuels all this?? And the cops aren't everywhere, nor are the dogs, you could get in drop some stuff off and be out. Idiots = money

[-] 1 points by hamalmang (722) from Lebanon, PA 13 years ago

Are you talking about pot?

[-] -3 points by necropaulis (491) 13 years ago

I'm talking whatever they sell. Some have ODed, so I think these more than weed being thrown around. Watch this: All these guys(your words were comfortably and safely= safety in numbers, comfort in like minded individuals) do is hang around for a while, make some noise(your words were watch TV) for a while and go back to there deteriorating tents (your word was home). And your last sentence needs no explaining.

[-] 2 points by hamalmang (722) from Lebanon, PA 13 years ago

You don't make any sense. Are you sure you aren't the one thats high? Name one person protester that overdosed.

[-] 1 points by hamalmang (722) from Lebanon, PA 13 years ago

I didn't read every word of all of those articles but it seems like you found one name of a protester who overdosed. It doesn't surprise me really. There are many cities where these occupations are taking place and most of them seem to be overnight. I know that where I live the kind of people roaming around at night looking for a place to sleep or a handout or somebody to be friendly to them are indeed drug addicts. They are called homeless people too. Thats what they do and they have been doing it for a long time. My point was that maybe you are just noticing them now because you can use it to bring negative attention to people you dont care for for political reasons. A lot of those stories seem embellished with second hand information and like smear campaigns. While I know that its fucked up, somebody grabbing a woman's breast is something that happens in a bar or in a school or anywhere all the time. That is different than being raped. She didn't seem to think it was a big enough deal to report to the police. They had to come find her. I would like to see police take action like that on real rape cases.

[-] 0 points by necropaulis (491) 13 years ago

You don't need to read every word. Read the headline. Nothing to say about Occupy London, or the 4 overdoses. All of a sudden, even though it says friends said he was part of your group, you ignore it. Your ignoring it because it hurts your case. You know I'm right, and so do I. I'm not bringing it up to spread negativity, but it isn't the peace and love fest your parents told you about. People died then too. Facts are facts. If I wanted to spread negativity, I would say something bad and not back it up.

[-] 1 points by VeniVidiVici (14) 13 years ago

OCCUPY THE WHITE HOUSE ! * Wikileaks said Eritrea didn't do it and it has a secret US embassy cable to prove that the accusations against Eritrea are unfounded, based on lies, and politically motivated. But the Obama administration is pushing for severe UN sanctions against Eritrea despite the evidence suggesting that Eritrea is innocent of any wrongdoing.

Please help us petition the White House to stop President Barck Obama from imposing harsh economic sanctions against a promising young African nation whose innocence has been proven by secret US embassy cables released by Wikileaks. Your signature can really save the lives of 5 million people. The Revolution Continues Worldwide!

Thank you for signing the petition. Link below: http://occupywallst.org/forum/vindicated-by-wikileaks-but-not-freed-from-accusat/

[-] 1 points by stuartchase (861) 13 years ago

Go occupy this place while you're at it.


The Revolution starts here!


[-] -3 points by DunkiDonut2 (-108) 13 years ago

Well stated.

[-] -3 points by malbright335 (0) 13 years ago

Yeah, and now your amazing revolution has given them a place to spread their disease (breakout of TB) and their drugs (multiple heroine overdoses, which by the way used medical care that will never get paid for. I wonder how well that contributes to our economy). Oh and did I mention lice? I don't know about the rest of the country, but it seems that this "movement" is just a few people with ideas, and then a lot of homeless/unemployed with nothing better to do then camp somewhere. Yeah, that will get the job done....