Forum Post: Occupy Should Have "Dress Up Fridays"
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 28, 2011, 5:27 p.m. EST by puff6962
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
One day a week, everyone should shower, shave, and dress in business attire just to show the world that we are not a bunch of weirdo, dysfunctional, Charles Mansons. It's a simple idea, but I think that it would help ordinary Americans to see that we are ordinary Americans. Think about it....take a vote....
Also, why can't we set up in front of Fox news?
THANK YOU! I proposed a March of Suits! Can we please make this happen???
Yes we can.
Also - there's a Send Us Your Suits for Occupy site set up
And I'm down for the Fox News Occupation - let's set a date.
unless they are donated, i'm pretty sure 99% people there don't own a suit. Probably don't even know how to put on a tie
You don't have to make $1,000,000 a year to own a suit. I'm bringing mine.
Thrift stores are a great route if you're low on a dime, or buying a $100 suit is possible, if you have no ethics over who made it or how it was made.
They're a crafty bunch. I'm sure they can scrape together something. Plus, there are clip on ties....
You seem to be free during work hours. Are you posting from work or your mother's basement?
By the way, she knows about your drawer full of tissues.
I feel so dirty for upvoting this but it made me laugh