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Forum Post: Occupy Should Embrace the Left!

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 15, 2011, 12:06 p.m. EST by Octangle (17)
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That is to say, the democratic and freedom loving side of things!

I can see the value in not having a coherent message at first, in that any coherent message, once adopted, will drive many out of the movement, at least temporarily. However, I must say that Occupy Wall Street is in danger of squandering the energy that we are gathering if we don't come up with a set of understandable principles to rally behind. Look at the electoral success that the tea party has had. If Occupy Wall Street wants to have similar or greater success we are going to have to come together around something that candidates and other leaders can put forward, and that people can vote on.

I believe that it is time for the protests to embrace their leftist leanings instead of denying them. You can represent the 99% economically as best as you know how, without representing all of their current political beliefs. That is what is called leadership.

I would like to see a movement come together around a set of principle like this:




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