Forum Post: Occupy Seattle and Resolution 31337, a model for other cities
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 15, 2011, 10:58 a.m. EST by unimportant
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
If you think this is ineffective then you may want to read this. The City of Seattle is in the process of moving their money from banks and protecting the occupy movement in Seattle.
/Information retrieved on November 14, 2011 10:43 PM/
Resolution Number:
A RESOLUTION recognizing and supporting the peaceful and lawful exercise of the First Amendment as a cherished and fundamental right in the effort to seek solutions for economically distressed Americans at the federal and local levels.
Status: Adopted as amended Date adopted by Full Council: November 14, 2011 Vote: 9-0
Date introduced/referred to committee: November 7, 2011 Committee: Full Council Sponsor: LICATA; CO-SPONSOR: O'BRIEN
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Fiscal Note: Fiscal Note to Resolution 31337