Forum Post: Occupy Rant in spoken word
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 7, 2011, 1:12 a.m. EST by peopleoverprofits
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From, like, everywhere, man, every corner and square, every outta' the way lair, the people gettin louder, there’s revolution in the air, they gatherin’ again, they're gettin' the lowdown down; brothers and sisters learnin’ the power uh boots on the ground; all the classes and the kinds, all the hipsters, the flipsters and tripsters, and new and vital mouths done started mouthin' off over rights and wrongs, they' croonin' soulful, woeful songs, and shovin' sanctified mish-mash, edified brain-bash, down the throats of our legislative fetters, and the bankster backers, ‘bout all their ass-hat spats, and their bellicose disregard for the most just of us; these ersatz katz have fixed the books, and with glaring looks, they’ve took and took, ’til nothing’s left for the getting’, litterin’ our ground with poverty and despair, ain’t a goddam thing about it fair, they’ve disregarded our suffering and tears, and wasted generations of debt and fears, all for the sake of profit. The war machine’s kept on turnin’, been yearnin’ yearnin’, burnin for profit. They’re pissing in our water and scorching our earth, laying waste to the future for whatever in the hell it’s worth, so when is rebellion a right of birth, it’s time to take it all back, put a stake in the ground, a line in the sand, make ‘em all lay down, and stop thieving’ our dynamic struggle; they’ve shrugged away the suffering and tears, a lost generation of debt and fear. Enough of slavery, and your criminal vice, we’re a movement of the phoenix done born thrice, and submerged in a new and laudable ethos, we're converging, emerging as a bold pathos of shimmering design and purpose, we're strugglin' to smile in the bitter black goo of complacency and diabolic resolve, we're screamin' and wailin' at the 'all hailin' man', at the barbed, razor-wire hands of justice, and obscene and haggard truth, and at the vicarious nefarious laxity of the absurd bureaucratic horde, empowered by money’s despot's sword, and lording pedagogic above us, the enlightened fray; they're preachin' obvious crap and diligent confusion, and smashin', mashin', bashin' down hard on our righteous decrees, man, we're bein' dragged by these windbags, we're bein' flagged as fools, or 'quasi', retro, 'I dunno' hippies by all these beasts of vile rhetoric and outright, 'what-a-sight' obfuscation, (all scantilly clad in psuedo ethical rags); We’re risin’ up, man, whatchya think, we’re gonna' march, and bark, we’re gonna’ harangue, we reached the brink, and cover freedom plaza and the whole damn country with ideas, we got woke up, ya’ see; you thought we were the dumbed down youth, the pretentiously uncouth, who were afraid of sweat or tears, but, were here, and were stayin’, and what we’re sayin’ is we’ve banged outta call', we’re amassing for us all, to demand accountability and change, 'cause up in your ivory towers of law, and boardrooms widening caw, you’re stealin’ our wealth, and ravaging our health to feed the ravages of your greed. America's killin' her citizens, without trial, puttin' 'em in harms way, been for awhile, never gonna’ save the day, off in somebody else’s grill; and spyin’ on it’s own, sayin’ no more n yeah, and saving the wall street wolves from a very natural selection ; they’re thieves in fancy cars, none of ‘em behind bars, the earth's real murderers are walkin' around fancy-free and footloose, wobbling’ like fat rats, pokin' and proddin', drillin' death out of the ground and spewin' it into the sky; sayin’ the earth’ll never die, pollutin’ our water and our wine, damn their sorry kind, we tryin’t be seen, ya hear; Oh but Hell No we screamin ..ENOUGH .We aspire, and we care, do what y’all dare, ‘cause despite all your threats and shrugs from behind all your insulated walls, and your well guarded halls, and well-kept, wellsprings of deceit, we know the deal, and were here to stay, this is the dawning of a brand new day, we are the people. And justice done come to town.