Forum Post: OCCUPY protesters shot, gassed, attacked by Cops
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 9, 2011, 12:34 p.m. EST by electrictroy
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
This link has several videos showing Cops abusing our fellow citizens. In the first a cameraman is shot with a bullet. In the second he is interviewed. And in the third cops shoot a marine in the head (causing brain damage), and then shoot the crowd when they try to help him.
Remember: It was Adolf and his cops that rounded-up the Jews and forced them into ghettos. FDR and his Cops that rounded-up innocent natural born Americans during WW2, and forced them into prisons (for the "crime" of having japanese blood). You cannot trust the cops.
Looks like in Israel the state is about as tolerant there as it is here with any of us.
"Israel is occupying the Palestinian people in my name, in the name of world Jewry and I, myself an American Jew, am here to say that that is completely unjustified and ethically reprehensible, and world Jewry, and all people of the world will not stop until this occupation ends and until the Palestinian people have the right of return, the right to live without occupation and equal rights within Israel. That is why we are here."
Wow. He is then detained and taken away by police. Watching that video felt like watching tapes of Nazi Germany. Very sad. All he said was that the Palestinians should have equal rights within Israel.
Or of watching occupiers attempting to gather the citizens to fix this situation/create solutions, only to be dragged away by the state or banned from "public" parks by the state.
Right. The 99% all over the globe are exploited and oppressed.
"It was Adolf and his cops that rounded-up the Jews and forced them into ghettos."
oy how could I forget
in third grade, I was singled out for having German blood
Interesting web page.
If you actually read what happened it was the cops who were attacked first with things being thrown at them and cursed at. They gave an order of dismissal and were ignored. that rubber bullet shot is classic. bet that bruise was sore as hell. LOL. Here is a tip. If you are going to protest. STAY AWAY FROM THE POLICE. You don't taunt them and you don't spit on them, or throw things at them. And if they tell you to move. Then Move. Then you don't get gassed or shot etc. Only the mentally unbalanced with protest and try to elicit a violent response to prove some point in their own minds.
Link please. Thanks. I still don't see why it was necessary to shoot the cameraman though..... he was nowhere near the cops and certainly wasn't endangering their safety.
Of course when it comes to cameras, cops often act strange. They keep arresting people who try to film them on public streets. We have a first amendment right to record government officials in public arenas.
The link doesn't show the videos anymore where the protestors were harassing the cops. Not bothered to look for it. Cops don't act for no reason. They act when they are not being respected.
There are thousands of videos on youtube with cops beating-up innocent citizens without reason. Like the video where cops beat Pastor Anderson for no reason.
I've been a victim myself where Homeland Security pulled over my car and demanded to search my trunk. I told them "No warrant, then no search." They made me stand in the hot Texas sun for an hour, which gave me a ripe sunburn.
Cops CAN be dicks and your claim that they don't mistreat citizens is pretty naive'. As I said there are thousands of such videos where cops mistreat citizens every day. There's always at least one asshole in every organization and I'd say the guy who shot the cameraman is one of them.
Didn't say they were not imperfect but i have seen lots of protests in my life and many of them don't ever have one problem with the police. The only time the police ever act against protesters is when they get out of hand. Every single time.
You're right of course, but that's still no reason to shoot the media (guy holding the camera). The cop should never have aimed at him.