Forum Post: Occupy Portland incorporates?
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 26, 2011, 2:54 a.m. EST by jsmartin2011
from Madras, OR
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Our finance committee has chosen to incorporate as a non-profit and in fact already did so without a GA discussion..Is this appropriate? Feels like they went behind people's backs...Just looking for input
This is a joke, right?
no it is not here is the link
Wow. That is so wrong! This means that a portion of the group has taken it upon themselves to not only make serious decisions outside the group, they're also setting up something that is anathema to this movement. The ONLY reason to do this is MONEY.
Occupy Portland is now officially a person.
do you know if any of the other occupy movement have incorporated? I haven't heard of any others doing that